
Republicans ! I call on you to ask.....?

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To explain something to me. I really want to understand one issue that has always bugged me. Maybe you can school me on the issues and tell me how you see it.

Do republicans believe in taxing the poor and giving tax cuts to the rich? If so, why?

Also, what would you like to see happen to our taxes?




  1. fyi,the rich pay 97% of the taxes now.most poor get far more back with the republican backed child credit.most don't pay in near what they get per child.they also used taxes to increase care for the elderly in perscription plans and health care.increased the chips programs also.i think they use it well.

  2. No.

    We believe in taxing everybody.

    I think a flat tax is as fair as you can make it.

    We ALL pay 15%.

    If I only make $30,000 a year, I only pay $4,500 in taxes.

    If I make $300,000 a year, I pay $45,000 in taxes, more than the "poor" person makes.

    How is that unfair at all?

    We do not agree with "poor" people getting money back at the end of the year, and wind up paying no taxes, even getting some back.  While at the same time "rich" people pay 40%+ in taxes.

    THAT'S unfair.

  3. No, that is a myth the Dems want you to believe.   The rich pay more in taxes than anyone else so they deserve a bigger break.    The poor are able to keep a larger portion of the money they earn under republican leadership since it is their own money to begin with.   Ask any Democrat in congress about that money and they will tell you it belongs to the government not the people.     Well, if the democratic congress wastes so much of the peoples money on pork barrel projects they should be thrown out because they are freakin stupid to other  spend other peoples money on garbage.

  4. The taxing of the rich and poor are equally as bad. Taxing the rich will harm those that employ the poor and will create widespread unemployment, along with a bad economy.

    This is the big danger of electing Barack Hussein Obama, who is already spewing the usual liberal Democrat deception of "taxing the rich,"  appealing to the losers and low-lifes of the Democrat voter base.

    If Barack Hussein Obama is elected, this country will be destroyed economically, plus he stands for all of the other horrible liberal cause known to the human race.

  5. The answer is: The rich get richer, the poor get welfare, and the working man gets screwed.  I have been a republican for 20 years, and there is no-one rich in my family.  I do have a niece on welfare, though, and I think she should get off her dead butt and get a job. Our taxes are paying her to be fat and get fatter.  Everyone has to pay taxes, and you seem to make the assumption that the rich pay less taxes.

  6. The 16th amendment to the Constitution give Congress the power to collect income taxes; however, if you look back to when that amendment was enacted, you will find that the system then was considerably different.

    Then, the money was collected by the state officials by order of Congress and redistributed in the state it was collected in to repair roads and other public facilities. In other words, it went right back to the people who gave it.

    Now, the money is collected by the IRS, not Congress, and then sent to Washington to be distributed among the states. I hate to say it, but that is socialistic.

    -16th Amendment to the Constitution

    "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

  7. I'm voting for John McCain because he reminds me of my grandfather.

    I miss him. He's in a nursing home and I don't get to see him much.

  8. Republicans are for self-sufficieny and responsibility.  We oppose socialism in all of its forms (this includes stealing from the rich to give to the poor).  Barack Obama is a freaking socialist!  Freak!

  9. Both parties follow llluminati directives.That's why the standard of living goes down no matter who's in charge,and taxes always go up.

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