
Republicans!!! Is your party the only party that can fix the damage that has been done?

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Please tell us Independents and Democrats, Why, we should Vote the republican ticket for another 4 years when surely you couldn't get it right during the last 8 years. How will placing a republican into office, change the past?




  1. I wouldn't even waste my time with someone who thinks our country has been so damaged.  Go chant for Obama.

  2. Yes McCain 08. I'm 15

  3. I'm a independent I;'m voting for McCain he should have been there the last 8 yrs for B.O I do not want big GOV

  4. Ok, I'll try to be serious and answer that.  And remember, you asked why to vote for him, and not why you shouldn't.

    A lot of it has to do with who John McCain is.  I would commend that you research his career story to get the specifics, but McCain's senatorial career has been marked by a willingness to defy his own party and to cross the isle in order to reach a compromise and get things done. One of the most spectacular examples was in 2005. At the time, there were several dozen federal judge appointees up for confirmation in the Senate. Clinton had attempted to fill these vacancies before the 2000 elections, but the Republicans, who were a majority in congress at the time, refused to hold hearings on them in time. The result was that the Democrats asserted that the positions were still open after Mr.Bush won the Whitehouse. It sat that way in a deadlock for five years, but finally Bush went ahead and made new nominations. Then the fun started. The Democrats refused to confirm a bunch of them. The Republicans theoretically had the votes to ram them through, but the Democrats began threatening to filibuster. The Republicans then began to consider using a procedural rule, called the Nuclear Option, that would have ended the ability to filibuster. The Nuclear option is a procedural rule that allows the Senate to end a filibuster by majority vote. The Democrats responded by threatening to boycott the Senate, which would have shut it down, preventing consideration of all routine and legislative Senate business.

    It was a near-run thing, but finally John McCain and another Democratic senator reached out across the aisle and put together a group of seven Republicans and seven Democrats, called "the Gang of Fourteen".  Together they formed a voting bloc sufficient to block the Republicans attempt to trigger the nuclear option while at the same time, enabling a cloture vote on the Democratic filibuster. At the time, the Republican leadership promised McCain that they'd make sure he'd never be president if he went through with it, but that seems to have only made him angry. Anyway, go through with it he did, and the result was that these fourteen guys were able to ram a compromise right down both parties' throats. the Republican leadership has been trying to punish him for it ever since.  An interesting aside is that Joe Lieberman was one of the Gang of Fourteen, and the Democratic leadership tried to punish him over it by attempting to get him voted out of the Senate. He ended up switching to independent status and defeated the Democratic challenger. Think about that. Out of 200 Senators, there were only fourteen grownups.

    That is who John McCain is. His entire senate career has been characterized by a willingness to put the interests of the nation ahead his own and those of his party. This wasn't the only time he ever did a thing like that by a long shot, it's just, as I said, the most spectacular example.

    His opposition is fond of pointing out that he "voted with Mr. Bush" 80% of the time, which is just a clever way of stating that he was loyal to his party that often.  Another way of saying it is that one vote in five was a vote against his own party.

    Did you hear his speech tonight?  Twice he intimated that too many in congress are out only for their own advancement rather than for the good of the nation.  He might as well have thrown down a gauntlet on the Senate floor.  This is very heady stuff indeed.  I guarantee you that there are more than a few federal congressmen who are going to lose some sleep tonight, both Republican and Democrat, because those  congressmen who have worked with him for any length of time know that he's the kind of man who means what he says.

  5. Well, Since they broke, shouldn't they fix it?

  6. I agree. They can't know. They should have impeached Bush if they wanted a chance.

    Go Obama!

  7. HERE HERE!!!  

  8. Everything was good til '06, that's when the do nothing right democrat congress took over...

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