
Republicans...What are you going to do if Obama is elected in Nov and is our next president?

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Because from the sounds of what I've read on here it sounds like your all going to either:

A.) Curl up and die


B.) Hightail it to Canada.

Just curious because you make it sound like that could be the absolute worst thing to ever happen in your life.




  1. Republicans would never make it in Canada. Too "progressive" and "intellectual".

  2. Keep working and watching the train wreck.  As enemies of the United States are "talked to", as businesses continue to ship jobs overseas due to "costs" etc. I'll just wait another 4 - 8 years for another Republican to reverse the damage.  

  3. open up an off-shore tax shelter

  4. Celebrate! (not a republican)

  5. Feel even more contempt for the ignorants who voted him in.

  6. I would be happy if Obama wins Office. I'm a republican but i will have to vote for Obama  

  7. "Republicans...What are you going to do if Obama is elected in Nov and is our next president?"

    As a Republican I will, as I always do, honor and respect the office of the President, hope he does well and grimace when he does something I think is wrong.  I WILL NOT whine, complain, attack, insult or otherwise denigrate him as do so many liberals when talking about Bush.  Republicans are above that kind of juvenile behavior, at least I am!

  8. Open an offshore account.

  9. I seriously would withdraw all my investments, I need them for my kids and I worked way too hard to give them away to support someone Else's kids.

    Then, I would begrudgingly support his position.

  10. Loose faith in America for the first time in my life.

  11. Quit my job, work under the table, and hide my money the best I can so he can't get to it.

    Conversely, are there enough tall bridges out there for the liberals to jump from WHEN Obama loses??

  12. Deal with it. I will probably have to use some of the social services for food order to pay taxes.

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