
Republicans: What do you think of McCain's choice of VP?

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Republicans: What do you think of McCain's choice of VP?




  1. Trump Card (Joker's Wild) for Hillary Voters, like women are dummies.

  2. He just won the election by choosing her.

  3. My fellow McCain supporters seem to have all drank the Palin flavored Kool-Aid.

    This was a bad fumble. Due to McCain's age, he needs someone ready to step into the Presidency suddenly. I've seen nothing in Palin's resume that qualifies her. Maybe in another 4-6 years as a successful governor, but not now.

    If he wanted a woman, he could have picked Hutchinson.

    As thin as Obama's resume is, hers is thinner.

  4. Home run! She is smart, interesting, fills a void. GREAT choice. She took on Repubicans in her own state, she is strong, and bright! I am very excited about it!

  5. After doing some research, I think it is a GREAT choice!

  6. Incredible home run.

  7. best thing the republican party has done in many years.

    i haven't been this excited about the republican party since Ronald Regan.


    I love that the first woman in the white house will be a conservative.   oh the irony.  LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT

    by the way, conservative women are HOT!

    compare this to the ugly liberal feminists like reno, pelosi, boxer, murray, hillary ...SICK.  Liberal women politicians are so butt ugly.

    conservative women are beautiful

  8. I'm not surprised to see him go with a younger woman. He's done that before.

  9. Best choice of his career. He will win!

  10. He's run a brilliant campaign against a man that couldn't lose. This makes the choice of Biden look like a real compromise.

    The democrats are cutting her down without even hearing her speak. She's fantastic. She's the Anti-Hillary.


  12. Do you really think any Republican is going to tell you they're not happy with his pick? When have you ever known a Republican to be honest? They'll say she a brilliant pick, an experienced pick and the perfect pick. In actuality she's nothing but a guitar pick.

    But I just watched an on phone interview with Anchorage's news editor, who stated people with Alaska are not happy with her and she has more controversies under her belt than her attractive face shows.

    Her sister was married to a Police office, or some kind of officer. They went through a bitter divorce and Palin tried to get him fired. A true Republican with integrity.

  13. Palin is a Great choice and she will make a Wonderful VP! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence

    * has actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama & Biden have been leading NO one!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08



  15. Im actually excited. I figured it would have been Gov. Romney

    Edit: I ment to say I would have picked Gov. Romney but Gov. Palin is a good choice also if not better.

  16. I honestly don't think he could have found a better choice.

    That lady has got it in spades.

  17. I would've preferred Romney, but Palin will do great!

  18. She's the best; she rocks.

  19. McCain made an excellent choice.

  20. Terrible.

    I am switching to the Democrats.

  21. Excellent choice. Had he chosen Lieberman, I would have sat out this election.

  22. I'm actually incredibly impressed about how smart the campain is. It was a fantastic choice. I was excited about it. I have hope again that Obama WON'T be president.

    Plus, we get the added bonus that she's a MILF.

  23. As an Obama supporter I like it

  24. It's great! History is in the making.

  25. McCain lost me... Either he fell for the hype or is being a maverick just for the sake of it.  Maybe its a little bit of both.  How big is Alaska?  What's its population?  What issues do they face that resemble the rest of the 49 states?  What was she doing before she was mayor of 'Po-Dunk' Town with a population of less than 7000 people?  So WHAT she eats moose burgers.. So WHAT she has a high approval rating... she got in office yesterday!  Up until now, McCain's biggest position was that Obama had no experience, the ads were running earlier this week.  I'm totally with him there.  Then he picks Palin as his VP?  He just shattered the basis of his own argument.  I beg you, what does Palin add to the ticket?  What experience does Palin have in economy (where McCain is admittedly weak), in foreign policy, in healthcare, in immigration, in education...     YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!  What swing states can she carry for McCain?  He picked HER over Romney, Pawlenty, Hutchinson??!??  I'm sorry, McCain's got to explain to me how he ruled out those choices to get to Palin.  And not for nothing, McCain has been the presumptive Republican nominee since the top of 2008. The least he could have done was use this time to allow people to get to know Palin... now we have less than 70 days to bring voters up to speed.  This tells me that he is merely reacting to the Dems ticket and not making decisions based on what's best for the party or this country...  Unfortunately, McCain will get exactly what he deserves in November...   He may as well start working on his concession speech now!!!!!  

  26. I like her a lot personally, but neither she nor Obama are qualified for the position.  She should come back in 4-8 years.

    At least her experience in government has been in executive positions, I guess.

  27. Great, couldn't be better, watch her she will help McCain win and will be our first female President in the future, pretty exciting.

  28. The choice of Governor Palin was unexpected, to be sure, but it is also inspired and bold.  Senator McCain has proven once again who is the true candidate of change!

  29. There has to be some undrlying strategy that will come out soon

  30. What a mistake ! What was he thinking ? Does she have the experience in foreign affairs as Joe Bid en?

  31. absolute disaster. he should've picked crist or romney. the lady is hot, so i can understand.

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