
Republicans Will gain Hillary Supporters?

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By Kissing the Clinton's Behind.I love it after years of abuse the Clinton's endure by the right wings Now they R kissing Clinton's butts.Wow what wouldn't they do to win votes Pathetic




  1. Yes they will, and Dems Freaking know it. That's why they are angry!

  2. The media is one sided. They keep reporting that mcCain will gain democrat women supporters because of his choice of a woman . But what they are not  mentioning is that mcCAin will lose many male voters who want to be led by males and have no interest in a woman VP. Many males who may originally have rejected obama, may indeed switch over to him because ... that is a MALE ticket.

    Just shows how one sided the media is.

    Its as if women and minorities are the only people who vote or something.

  3. This gun toting first time governor ( has completed less than half her first term )of a very sparsely populated state who's credentials are  she has 5 kids,lifetime member of NRA , her education is University  of Idaho where she majored in journalism and did well in basketball ..she also did fairly well in one or 2 beauty contests  but only won  as Miss congeniality... are there many women in Alaska other than the natives and those who run businesses?   I believe a  female polar bear could have come away with a title ...she mentioned over and over how Hillary Clinton  reached the glass ceiling with 18 million votes You can bet your bottom dollar she is a Hillary wannabe and the Replicans are trolling and kissing Clinton butts for these "glass ceiling votes"This is a desperate measure on the Republican side for sure. I ask you now..   if feeble, confused,and possibly cancer ridden Mccain gets in  office and kicks the bucket is this the person you want to lead our country??? OMG!!! Maybe having lot of kids and being a NRA member qualifies her for her President of the USA?  If so them millions of welfare Moms do also! Many of them went to college  and own a gun too

  4. Once a fool brainwashed, is always a fool brainwashed.

  5. Clinton's supporters have a lot to lose by voting for a creationist, anti abortion Republican who would turn the clock back first chance she gets.Plus she should not sail in and benefit from all the bumps Clinton took this election.  It's too soon.

  6. LOL! No WAY! No Hillary voter will ever vote for this right winged lady.  She says no to abortion EVEN in the case of rape or incest.  Ya she'd be "great" for woman. YA RIGHT!

  7. I think you are mistaken to think that McCain's choice panders to democrats.  I think, what he did (wisely) was actually shore up the republicans who do not think he is conservative enough.  I know I feel better about the ticket now.

  8. That is quite an interesting take on that. It is so typical for Clinton supporters to make it all about them. I doubt it is simply for that reason. :)  

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