
Republicans are measuring experience by the # of people you serve in your state so Barack Obama wins right?

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Barack Obama's served the south side Chicago district of 800,000 as Illinois state Senator from 1997-2004

Barack Obama is currently the US Senator from Illinois serving 12.8 Million (est 2007) as of 2005-Present

Sarah Palin served as the mayor of Wasilla of 100,000 from 1996-2002

Sarah Palin is the current governor of Alaska serving a population of 683,478 (est 2007) 2006-Present

Who has more experience now?




  1. Palin isn't fit to wring out Obama's sweaty jock.  

  2. When your right your right!   Sarah Palin are you joking?

  3. Palin is hot who cares/

  4. Yeah but is he giving each family he represents a $1200 check from  a budget surplus he created with his executive skills?.

  5. Ok, I know that Democrats think it's all about "SERVING" since they expect the government to "serve" them everything on a silver platter...But, you're WRONG

    The president and our government is about GOVERNING...Obama has never done that, Palin has:

    A governor is basically the 'president' of their state...They have the same responsibilities as a president (balancing budgets, raising/lowering taxes, approving or vetoing state bills, etcetera...They even have a 'cabinet'), just on a state level rather than federal...So she already does what a president does, just on a much smaller scale...That's why everyone points out her 'executive experience', which Obama, Biden and McCain (and even Hillary) do not have.

    Why don't you guys get that?

  6. Sarah Palin thats hot paris you are not  

  7. You are right.

    This guy keeps bringing up "executive experience"!

    How much executive experience does McCain have?

    How much executive experience did John F. Kennedy have?

    How much executive experience did Lincoln have?

    How much executive experience did FDR have?

    We don't need someone with EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE! We need someone with PEOPLE experience! Obama surely has the political experience, along with people skills, a trait normally lacking in most Republicans and executives!

  8.   "You" people really need to start using some official source of information, about the DIFFERENCE between a Senator and a Governor.  Even as a Mayor, Palin STILL has more experience as an Executive Officer. As Governor, she even adds MORE to that as a CEO PLUS, is Commander of the National Guard Unit.

       Senators do NOT administer Budgets for 103 Departments, negotiate contracts, take Fiscal Responsibility and a dozen OTHER jobs and duties.  The similarity between what a Senator and a Governor does are as different as night/day.   WHEN does that FACT set into the minds of Obama supporters.

       And WHY do you "people" keep comparing Palin with Obama ?  Obama wants a CEO job, but he's just NOT as qualified as McCAins VP choice even.  He needs Biden to run the Government for about a year for him, while he learns, what Palin already KNOWS.  

  9. Or you can do it this way

    Obama 12 years including state senate

    Biden   36  in the senate


    McCain 26 house and senate combined

    Palin    6   mayor and gov.

    Total  Obama/Biden 48

             McCain/Palin  32

    So really, which ticket has more experience?

    I agree with you, just thought I would add in another scenario.

  10. So Obama decided to run for VP?

  11. uh, Ms Hilton, you poor little airheaded type, Obama is not running against Palin, but McCain.

  12. Obama still has ZERO executive experience and since his legislative experience is so limited it can't make up for it.

  13. haha i just dont know where to start... first off Wasilla had a population of 10,000 not 100,000 stop using Google for your information secondly hussain obama was a senator indeed...who had 170 TOTAL working days WOOOOWW!!! and in those 170 days he has had the MOST liberal voting record, now thats insane cmon just stop you cant win we use facts and statistics and you use namecalling and emotions to make points  

  14. How long did Obama work as senator from Illinois?

    What did Obama do while a state senator?

    ANd whatever experience he may have, look at his associations. Bill Ayers, Wright, and that adds to his resume how?

    What did he do for the South side of Chicago? I mean I want to see what exactly he accomplished. I keep hearing how he has done so much, but I can't seem to find out what it was.

    Palin can at least point to specific things she has done.

    Obama does have experience at being dishonest though. Remeber when he said he wasn't going to run for president when he was elected senator?

    That is change I believe in.

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