
Republicans are very happy and thankful to Gustav because Bush/Cheney will not get to talk in the RNC?

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Before anyone said it, I told all my friends that even mother nature is against the Republicans. Don't you agree?




  1. NO.

  2. No, no one was happy about Gustav, is this a serious question?

  3. Nope, polls show that the GOP'ers were looking forward to hearing what Bush/Cheney had to say.

  4. Liberals Democrat said God  sent Gustav. Prove Democrats will say anything

  5. Republicans are trying to destroy mother nature.

  6. No I am thankful that everyone put aside the BS politics and got people out. They worked together.

    As a survivor of Hurricane Andrew, I know how bad it can get. However even after that storm everyone worked together.

  7. Agreed.

    Now watch them turn the tables and say Senator Obama doesn't care.  

  8. typical liberal. typical ignorance.

  9. funny and sad at the same time, probably true

  10. Nature doesn't care who is elected.

    I'm just one Republican, but I'll be watching to hear the candidates speak. I'm not interested in listening to a lame duck.

  11. You are a great example of how sick and twisted you liberal brats are.

    does your mommy know you are playing on the computer?

  12. Yeah, mother nature must hate those poor black folks in the swampland. {sarcasm}

  13. yeah, last thing they need is to remind America that Bush and Cheney will vote for McCain

  14. i so wanted them to go .

  15. True!

    Even McCain is smarter than Bush.

  16. Not one comment was made of that type about our convention and yet I have heard many hateful people from our side screeching about how god hates Republicans. Personally you and everyone else that does it disgust me.

  17. nope - that's an insulting thing to say. No one is "thankful to Gustav!"

  18. Yes I does appear that they were more than simply willing to cancel the events.  While I do think it is very honorable to stop the events in order to focus on Gustav (and I realize if they hadn't...I'm sure Democrats would have complanied about it)...but it is nevertheless interesting to note how little disappointment there seems to be over the RNC cancellations.  Its as if they are happy that they won't have to compete with the DNC's fantastic event...I think now they can have an excuse for it not being as good of a convention.  They will use it to their advantage.

  19. Maybe but Bush's absence will be highly noticed by most people I think.

    Bush has done a lot to ruin the image of the Republican party all by himself.

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