
Republicans - do you believe that birth control pills should NOT be covered under your health insurance?

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McCain thinks birthcontrol shouldn't be covered under health insurance.




  1. I believe the health insurance companies should be able to decide if they want to cover birth control pills.

    But they shouldn't be covered under Medicaid or any other government program.

  2. Maybe You should try to google it first ,nonetheless, if you prefer some direct resource ,here might be helpful.

  3. I would leave it up to the insurance company to decide. It's cheaper than paying to deliver a baby. But BC pills are not medically necessary. I don't give a c**p what the pope says because I ain't catholic...  

  4. Birth control Pills are an preventative and not a get rid of after.I am sure that Birth control Pills are paid for by your Insurance.

  5. Pills yes, Condoms no. Thisis interesting in that it puts all Republicans into a little box as religious fanatics who don't have any common sense, when I think that most of the time it is the other side that is so smart it can't think straight.

  6. Last I heard s*x was still a people can choose "not" to have s*x. So why should birth control be paid for by taxpayers, or health insurance companies if it is "elective" which  we can completely avoid the need for by utilizing our own personal free will?

  7. can you produce a link to his opinion on this

    Not someone else's opinion on his opinion but his actual opinion

    What''s scary ois that so many people will take this as proof of his position without bothering to get his actual words

  8. You are taking a quote from Howard Dean and attributing it to John McCain.

    McCain was asked this direct question recently and said he didn't have enough infomation to make a decision and it is an area he would need to research.

    He has not said NO.

  9. don't even get me started! i get sooo mad when i think about this. birthcontrol is a medication. therfore insurance is needed.

    Thank god he's not becoming president and Obama is.

  10. Fertility is not a disease or disorder. I think it should be left up to the insurance companies, not the law.

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