
Republicans have already found Osama and are waiting till election time to let everyone know. Yes or No?

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Republicans have already found Osama and are waiting till election time to let everyone know. Yes or No?




  1. no. you need to worry about the evidence that obama was born in kenya.

  2. lol..that actually wouldn't surprise me though i'm a conservative.

    it wont happen though ;) if it can say "i told you so!"  

  3. Pure fantasy. What are you getting at? The word is "until" not "till".

  4. No, but I'm sure there will be plenty skeletons coming out of Obamas closet the week of Nov 4  

  5. i can't believe some of the questions----is it a joke

  6. No. You are paranoid, lay off the Kool-aid.

  7. no

  8. Even if true, I think it would be way too obvious that they were preparing an October Surprise to boost McCain in the Election. The October Surprise just happened in August: McCain's foreign policy chief Randy Scheunemann was recently a lobbyist for the country of Georgia. The neocons had Georgia attack South Ossetia knowing the Russians would retaliate causing a crisis. McCain knew it was coming since his adviser pushed Georgia into the attack, so McCain had his speech prepared to make him look like a "strong commander-in-chief." I don't think it worked. People are tired of these neocon ultra-nationalist criminals.  

  9. The FBI never even charged Osama for 9/11....reason: lack of evidence.

    We're not looking for this guy. He didn't do it.

  10. I wouldn't doubt that every effort is made to bag Osama before Bush leaves office.

    Not for McCain. He gets more mileage if Osama is still out there. But for Bush legacy.

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