
Republicans have been attacking obama's experience; Is McCain picking sarah palin hypocritical?

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McCain selects a vp that has less than 20 months governor experience and a two-term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race. She has served statehouse 20 months while obama served statehouse for 8 years + 2 years of being senator. Now don't get me wrong, I actually like sarah palin, especially how she is bipartisan and has taxed big oil companies in her state to create surplus(even though mcCain opposes this)..very a way she seems like a pro-life small town obama. But anyway the VP is suppose to take presidents place if he dies(with all due respect..mcCain will be oldest president) and mcCain and the republican party have constantly attack obama's experience but then they pick palin.




  1. Nice how Democrats support accomplished women.

    But only if  the women agree with them.

    Palin has MORE experience than Obama.

    Democrats conveniently forget that Palin was State Ethics Commissioner and Chairman of the powerful Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

    That means that instead of simply co-sponsoring legislation that covered members of Congress regarding ethics like Obama, she actually DID something about it in Alaska.

    As head of the Oil and Gas Commission, she went after the Oil Companies.  She BEAT them and got money that she turned back to the people of Alaska.  Their money!!!

    Don't you want soemone who can do that in the White House?

    What has Obama or Biden ever done but say No, No, No?

    Palin stopped a sweetheart deal on a pipeline and made sure the contact was done RIGHT, saving billions!  That pipeline carries oil to the Lower 48, setting us on the way to energy independence.

    Hey, isn't THAT our goal?

    She's been to Iraq more times than Obama and, as governor, is commander of the Alaska National Guard.

    Obama has NO miltary experience and Biden even screwed up the difference between a battalion and a brigade in a prepared speech.  

    Do any of the Democrats have any idea about the military?

    Obama co-sponsored some laws.  So what?

    Sarah Palin has had executive experience. The Buck stopped at her desk time and time again.

    From the PTA to the City Council, the Mayor's Office, Boards and Commissions, and the Governor's Office.

    She beat Frank Murkowski, a sitting Governor.

    Obama couldn't beat Bobby Rush in a Chicago primary election.

    Governor Palin is a WINNER.

    And Palin does all of this while raising FIVE kids!!!

    Every woman in America knows what that means in the real world.

    There are 18 Million cracks in the glass ceiling thanks to Hillary.

    Sarah Palin will bring it down on Obama's head.

  2. You really can't see the difference in importance between a presidential candidate and a vice presidential candidate?

    Jeez, you people...

  3. Good question I feel lot of people feel like the only reason he picked is to get women to vote for and also try to stir some Hilliary voters away from Obama which makes him seems desperate and pathetic. I hope that people don't bye into the hype... I know that Palin really don't think he picked her based on experience he picked her to try to get people votes so he basically using her to try to win this election.. It will be funny if it backfires...

    For the people who feel like i was downing her for being a strong woman..Never said  that she wasn't qualified i said that i think that she  is been used to get votes.. For what i heard Biden  has more experience than her i gives props to any woman that is able to run with the big dogs.. I am a woman,    But can you honestly think that he picked her based on experience if you believe that  you one of those typical sensitive women who thinks on emotion...

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