
Republicans in Penn. Boo Hillary Clinton's name as Palin panders.?

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So Republicans actually don't give a d**n about Hillary supporters and their hard-working candidate and Palin doesn't give a d**n about women's issues and equal pay. She doesn't give a c**p about the world our children will live in because she doesn't believe in global warming.

Hillary Supporters for Obama/Biden 08! Show some respect.




  1. Ummm.

    I'm not sure you're going to have much luck saying that a woman who shows up to be announced as a VP candidate with her husband and 4 of her 5 kids in tow doesn't care about FAMILY issues.

    What's this c**p about "women's" issues?  

    Why do Democrats always leave the men and kids out of it????

    She GOT equal pay in the family business.

    She cut her own pay when she became Governor and sold the fancy jet plane that she decided the State didn't need and got rid of few extra servants, too.

    Are you going to call a women who works as a Governor of a State and Commander of the Alaska National Guard while raising FIVE kids NOT a "hard-working" candidate or what????

    Obama leaves his kids with his wife's mother while he goes to the gym.

    You're kidding, right????

    She's solving the energy crisis while Obama and Biden contribute to "Global Warming" with bunch of Hot Air.  

    blah blah blah blah blah

    The Democrats have no idea what to do about a competent woman who doesn't agree with them.

    No wonder they're booing her.

    They really want to go Boo-Hoo.

  2. Twelve...the answer to your question is twelve.

  3. What are you talking about.  You Obama supporters booed her and Obama had to shut you up.  

  4. Global warming is a money-making load of c**p. Where I live, we're supposed to be enjoying 85 degree weather, and lately it's been in the mid-60s to low 70s. Some global warming.

    Palin is strong. Hillary is not: she proved it earlier this year when the whined about the "big bad media." I'm a woman, and I'll boo Hillary every chance I get. If women were smart, they'd look at the issues instead of the gender. I could care less if I see a woman president in my lifetime - sometimes, men are just better at some jobs. Nevertheless, MP08.

  5. I find this hilarious.  All the booing of Hillary from the Obama supporters, and now his supporters are going to get indignant because she gets booed at a Republican gathering.   Where was the respect  then?   Please!!!   ***

  6. They let their true feelings for Hillary show.

    It's just amazing to me that people who supported Hillary are planning to vote for McCain and the Republicans. She is one of  the most hated people by the right, almost as much as Michael Moore.

    They accused her of murder, corruption, and of being a L*****n during the 90's, and John McCain made a horrible joke about Chelsea's looks back in 1998:

  7. Global warning isnt real considering I saw a bunch of snow on my doorstep last winter.

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