
Republicans main platform is "Abstinence" Palin preaching "Family Values" So where are they?

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I was told that family values was talking to your children.

Giving them tools to work with?

Did she not talk to her child about abstinence.

and if she did. It failed. I see this a failure already in the works.

The Republicans main platform?

I think the Republicans should dump her now. Collateral damage is already done. If she is allowed to go forward. Her Candidacy will be just a token run.

Does this show that they are very "Right Wing". They speak out of one side of their mouth for themselves?

And for the people without voices, they ignore and call them names"

Call them Immoral, low class, they don't plan there children etc.

The last time I looked Evangelic Life Style, included waiting for a marriage first. Her daughter was pregnant, while Palin was pregnant.




  1. No, conservatives only want you folks to stop making babies you can't feed!

  2. if you have kids or ever been around kids, you can tell them all you want, but they don't have to listen.  we are in a new age, kids don't wait anymore, marriage is starting to get "out dated".  I am sure either are a virgin or B you are too old to be talking about  modern modesty.  Check and Mate

  3. I don't know what to think either....I am guessing Palin will stick with "strong family ties" and "love the sinner hate the sin".  I am still voting republican but this does bother me.  

  4. People from ALL walks of life make mistakes. I guess the difference between liberals and conservatives is that the conservatives believe in taking responsibility for their OWN actions - not blaming someone else.

    Your ridiculous question/rant proves my point.

    Nice try though. Maybe next time.

  5. Republicans speak with fork tongue.

    Now it's coming out that a lot of them have unwed mothers in their family or either they give them away like puppies.

  6. Palin:

    -Admitted to being a weed smoker

    -Has a s**t for a daughter being sexually active at 16 and having an illegitamite child.

    -Has a husband with a DUI

    -Best Quote "I dont know what it is exactly the vice president does" (cnbc)


    -Cheated on his first wife which led to a divorce

    -Second wife is a pain pill junkie and has been in and out of rehab

    -Best Quote, Defining the middle class "Someone who makes less than 5 million dollars a year"

  7. Palin wasnt vetted.. McCain doesnt even know her


  8. The 17 year-old plans on getting married to the father of the child. No abortion and no single mother. Barack Obama was also born to a 17 year-old mother.

  9. Come on you guys lay off...leave it alone, talk about how Palin isn't fit to be 2nd in command because she subscribes to the same policies that Bush and McCain subscribe to, let's leave this girl alone. It isn't her fault her selfish mother is running for VEEP.

    We are the party of unity, let's follow this example, this is what republicans do, not Obama supporters.

  10. It just proves the Republicans have been and still are a bunch of hypocrites. Remember Newt Gingrich, remember Henry Hyde, how much they tried to impeach Clinton for his sexual shenanigans, when they were fooling around with other women themselves. This is just more of the same. And dont get me started on McCain himself.......

  11. I agree it's a personal issue that ought not be politicized.  But reagardless of that, it certainly shows a lack of morals on the daughter's part.  And it's part of a parent's job to instill a strong moral fabric in their children.  It certainly shows a gross lack of oversight by Bristol's parents.  Perhaps Mrs. Palin should of directed more energy into her children instead of her career.   In the arena of family values and the Puritanical expectations of the right-wing Republican base, it isn't a good thing.

  12. You know if Obama's daughter was pregnant, I'm certain these fine people would be supporting her.  Insisting that this pregnancy was a result of a fine moral family.  

  13. When you talk about Christianity,you have it all wrong.  Her family values are there.  She didn't turn her back on her daughter, nor did she encourage an abortion.  She is standing behind her daughter and making no excuses for it.  They are standing up for a baby who doesn't have a voice yet.  

    This woman is practicing what she preaches as far as family goes. So is her daughter, knowing full well what people like you were going to try to cling to.  You know, part of being Christian is knowing that you are going to make mistakes.  You have a responsibility after that not to repeat them.  As far as politics go, this has nothing to do with the fact that Palin has also practiced what she preached and stepped up to the plate.  I wish she would have run for President.  I'm not even Republican, by the way.

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