
Republicans make America sound like a very dangerous place?

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why do they keep saying they will make it a safer place?




  1. Every year terrorists are caught in America. They violate the Geneva Conventions by not wearing uniforms and they may live near you.

    To Brittany: Call ICE. Most likely illegal immigrants kidnapped your brother. Kidnapping is popular in Latin countries and it is spreading into the U.S. due to illegal immigration.

  2. Here you go:

    “I think both of them (McCain and Obama) are equally unable to cope with the threat represented by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Islamists. They really don’t have a clue about what this war is about. Mr. McCain is very confident, but he’s clueless. Mr. Obama is equally clueless. They continue to tell Americans these people are Islamo-fascists, and they hate us because of our freedoms and they hate us for our liberties.

    What they hate us for is the unusually virulent strain of obsessive compulsive disorder that’s present in the American governing class, and that’s called interventionism. That’s what the cause of this war is. And neither Mr. McCain, nor Mr. Obama, nor Mrs. Clinton, nor any of the rest of them who are in the campaign—except Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich perhaps—had that idea.” - Michael Scheuer, retired Head of CIA'S OSAMA BIN LADEN UNIT

    "If you want to understand what's going on and if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing the war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer." - Osama Bin Laden

    lol, guys, I know you like your ideology and all, but it's no substitute for direct quotes from credible people.

  3. Because Democrats don't seem to remeber what happened on Sept 11th.

    Republicans are just reminding them.

    Notice how many times it was brought up in the DNC. It was kindof an important moment in current American politics and Democrats seemed to want to ignore it and pretend if they do it won't happen again and bad people will go away.

    As far as scare tactics, As anyone who was in the military or in law enforcement around the time that we were attacked or up to now. There have been SEVERAL attempts since then, but keeping aware of what is going on in the world is what keeps things like that from happening again.

  4. because it is a scary place! we dont make anything seem like that we just tell the truth! we need God back in our society! NOW!

  5. they never make it safer they care for themselves and themselves only McCain has 7 house wants to run fuel but even though Obama plan might take money it would work republicans i hate

  6. they want us to be afraid.

    it is play # 1 in the ultra right wing play book.  Create fear and have the population be very afraid and then swoop in promising to protect them if they just give up a few rights and ignore certain other pressing domestic matters like living a good life, health care, employment, keeping roofs over their heads, educating their kids and maintaining infrastructure.

  7. As opposed to Obama making it sound like a Third World country?

  8. You don't have a clue about the terrorist threat over our country, do you.  OF course we need to make our country safe!  You must be a socialist or something very close!

  9. Safer from terrorists who would harm you and your family.

    So many people seem to have forgotten that what started on 9/11 was only the beginning.  If militant Islamic terrorists get the opportunity, they will explode nuclear weapons on American soil.

    We must win the war on terror!

    That will keep you safer.

    Try to not be too naive.  Try to educate yourself.  Try to not become a pacifist at all costs, because to do so might endanger you, your family, and your neighbors.

    McCain-Palin 2008!!!!!

  10. it is dangerous because of the anti-American libs that want to see it destroyed. Republicans need to protect them for their own good.

  11. Liberals like to bury their heads in the sand and PRETEND that we are safe already.

    Do YOU think we are safe?

  12. Because their campaigns have always used fear to scare Americans into voting. What do you think the color coded terror threat system was about? Notice how any time Bush's approval rating dropped, the terror threats went up.

  13. Because Bush  used 9/11 as a fear tactic to gain votes and it worked.  

    They are still trying to get votes by scaring people but I think that people have finally caught on that the republicans are not the only people who can "keep us safe".  

  14. Christianity was spread using guilt and fear for centuries.

  15. fear is all they have to run on. Like using a completely irrelevant thing like someone's middle name to scare people. They can't get much lower.

  16. Because libs arent big on homeland security. Republicans are.

  17. It's only to promote more fear and to fill the minds of the gullible....This practice is far more dangerous that America ever will be....

  18. Have you been to LA?  Have you been to NYC?  Have you been to Fresno, Portland, and just about every other city in the world?  It needs to become safer.  I live somewhere called Clovis, Ca which is a pretty safe, gang free place, and my brother was getting a pizza at 9 at night and 3 gang members came up to him (it was an initiation for a gang member, they chose randomly) and kidnapped my brother.  They threatened to kill him, held him up with knives, threw him in his truck drove him to the bank, made him take all his money out, they duct taped his eyes, mouth, hands , drove to the freeway, threw him out of the car, and told him to run, don't look back or they'll shoot him...  He finally took off his blind fold and flagged down a car, who saw him, but the car behind her didn't and ran him over.

    BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, IF YOU THINK THIS PLACE IS SAFE, THEN FINE, IT MUST BE! Good thing all Republicans want to do is make America safer... d**n them!

  19. Fear mongering is their bread and butter.

  20. look around.

    with all the murders, rape, and theft.

    Somebody has to take care of it, and Republicans relize that complaining wont do anything and all the problems in the world wont just dissapear.

    Soldiers fight everyday and die just to keep us safe against terrorists.

    America is the safest and most free country though.

  21. It's not Americans that are dangerous - it's our long list of foreign enemies.

    Democrats seem to enjoy bending over and letting the rest of the world have their way with us.

  22. America is not the safest or the most free country I have lived in several countries in fact I'm moving to another country now. It is a country were it is easy to make money that I will give you

  23. Haven't you been terrified for the last 8 years?? LOL Come on....All this talk about how terrible OBAMA is YET NONE of those losers will talk about Dub G and what he has NOT accomplished. McLame's speech is gonna be short folks b/c just like his buddy Dub G he CAN'T READ...hmmm ahhh the words are moving too fast make it STOP!!!!! LOL Comedy continues tonight at the RNC.....


  24. They are trying to scare the voters. They think that will make them sound big and strong.  

  25. Last time I checked, both parties used this line.

  26. fear tactics work well for the uninformed.

  27. They give America a bad name:(  

  28. It will be if Obama is elected.

  29. Yes. Let's make our country safer by lowering gun controls so that more people can die because of inner city violence.

  30. I believe its time for all the liberals, to go to bed now.


  31. Conservative or Liberal, many fail to realize that there is always a constant threat to American culture. Some things you hear about, and other things are kept secret. So call it scare tactics if you will, but it really isn't all that far fetched.  

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