
Republicans name is mud, why is Obama tied or losing in the latest polls?

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isn't it a little early for the democrat nominee for president to be losing? generally they lead right up till the end and then lose..




  1. People are unhappy with the Republicans in general this cannot be denied. However, the Democrats just refuse to learn one simple lesson and until they do they will continue to lose at the Presidential level. This lesson is that the majority of citizens in the United States are not liberal. They do not believe in, or vote for policies which center around globalism and redistribution of wealth. Obama's entire platform is rooted in these policies and like in previous elections they will be his ultimate undoing.

  2. Sad to say but they just want you to beleive that so when they cheat and make it so Mccain does win all the sheep..I mean the american people will just accept it and do nothing just like before. The truth hurts but there it is. I do vote but really.....since it all went computer we really have no say. 2000 election told us that did it not.  

  3. because polls dont mean c**p.  whoever is giving the poll can slant the results either way.  

  4. For the same reason Bush won two elections, the Dems have managed to pick a sure loser.  You'd think they'd figure it out after a while.

  5. Just listen to what Obama says and you see why he is tied or losing.  Steal from the rich and middle class, and give to the poor.

  6. Consider some facts:

    1) Democratic Congress is pulling the lowest approval rating in the history of the US.

    2) Economic downturn comes with a Democratic Congress.

    3) Energy crisis comes with a Democratic Congress.

    4) Congress has been gridlocked for 2 years now becuase of Democratic standoff with President Bush.

    5) Democratic candidates are all unelectable this year.

    Now is it really a suprise at all?


    I don't think Puerto Rico can vote.  

  8. They don't want to believe the polls when it conflicts with their belief the world is all for Obama.

    They were so quick to mention the polls was the best indicator now that indicator is saying something new.

    They now are saying polls are wrong.

    Go figure.  

  9. How unusual a con making a statement with nothing to back it up. I don't like to say that cons are liars, but they are!

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