
Republicans or Democrats??????

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When was the last time a Politician actually made good on his Campaign promises?




  1. About 20 years ago, I remember hearing "Read my lips. No new taxes!" Then, new taxes. I'd have to say, The Dems.

  2. FDR said he would get the AXIS a whooping

    Truman Fired MacArthur and dropped the bomb

    Kennedy helped put a man on the MOON

    Nixon quit

    Carter fell down on the job

    Reagan forget everything he did or did not do

    Bush I and II got in dutch with the Muslim

    Clinton did not inhale or have s*x with that women

  3. Bush did everything he promised in first few months.

    He sent us back a refund.

    He started no child left behind

    he started new social security plan

    He changed the tax code

    adjusted the budget to give the military more money

    He did most of that in his first 3 months.

    I have never seen A President work so fast before.

    You dont have to agree with him, but he kept almost every promise. He did everything, he ran on.

  4. 100% Democrat, Republican for Obama ;)

  5. They sing the song the people want to hear so they get elected and then forget the promises and do they you wanna do.

    Bush wins the all time worst President ever award and he still keeps throwing our tax dollars away bailing out his wall street buddies and McCains Son.

  6. BUSH THE 2ND promised a war. and that he granted.

  7. Democrats ... they promise higher taxes and always follow through.

  8. Obama passed ethics reform.  Remember Haliburton and the No Bid contracts awarded to them.  Cheney was a senior executive with the company.  Huge conflict of interest and scandal.  Obama made sure that will never happen again.

  9. Never.....

  10. libertarians

  11. Abandon both the Donkey and the Elephant

    AMERICA Will be so much better off without them.

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