
Republicans - please tell me why we are in Iraq again?

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Sorry, I forgot :-) Now, why is it that we are over there again?

BTW - before anyone says "you don't know/you've never been there" just go ahead and know upfront that I've been to Iraq and HAVE SEEN first-hand what the real story is. I just want to get YOUR reasons for why you think we are over there, because... like I said, I forgot.




  1. You're not in Iraq,you are in USA doing nothing....imbecil!


  2. right now- to stabilize the country.

    and it is working.  In case you don't pay attention to current events- Anbar province was just handed over to Iraqi security forces because peace has been established.

    Relax all:  The Iraq war is essentially over.  We will be out of there by 2011- no matter if obama or mccain gets in.

    It is a dead issue.   Move on!

  3. Please don't ask them such a difficult question. They may get angry and have your Yahoo Answers account suspended.

  4. There can be no peace within a nation without justice.

    There can be no peace between nations without freedom.

  5. General P is talking withdrawal.  It's coming.  Everyone would have like for it to be sooner, or to have happened already.  

  6. Because the UN determined, along with British and American intelligence there was a threat of WMD's. Saddam admitted this himself.

    Here's a refresher of the events leading up to the war just so people do not attempt to re-write history.

    EDIT; we are still over there because we removed Saddam. We could not responsibly leave the country with no leader and 3 factions killing each other to seize power. It would have been a blood-bath that we'd never hear the end of.

  7. I'm a dem, but I will speak for them. "It will make the US a safer place.... um, they have WMD, um, they back 911, um I wanted to finish what my daddy started, um, where is Mr. Powell?

  8. OIL.

  9. Of course you forgot, but then again you most likely forgot quite a bit about history.  History always has, and always will repeat itself, simply because too many people are just too dumb to learn from it.

    Take hussein "i have been a Christian for 20 years but took the oath of office on the quran" obama.  Highly intelligent, motivating speaker who captivates crowds wherever he goes.  Continually speaks of "change" without being specific what kind of "change" he will bring.  Preys on people's concern about a poor economy with his gift of public speaking.  Sounds an awful lot like a German guy who did the exact same thing in the 1930's and 40's.  History repeating itself.

    The initial reason for invading Iraq was to stop history from repeating itself.  In the 1930's the U.S. government and its allies had every chance to remove Hitler from power.  Instead, they chose to 'negotiate' and appease the n**i madman, allowing him ample time to build a military regime that ultimately cost the lives of millions.  Saddam Hussein, like it or not, was in possession of and was developing more weapons of mass destruction.  I know, I know....the Kurds who he gassed to death were probably in your mind just playing a practical joke.  After all, Saddam didnt have WMD's, right?  And the Israelis who destroyed his attempts in the 1980's to produce a nuclear weapon were just joking around as well, eh?

    If Saddam had been allowed to go unchecked and develop more of these weapons, he no doubt would have used them.  But then again, in your liberal brain you've already forgotten the mass graves of hundreds of thousands that have been uncovered since Hussein was removed from power.

    But hey thats liberal communist alzheimers setting in.

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