
Republicans prayed to God for rain during Obama's historic speech in open stadium.Did God send Gustav for GOP?

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GOP praying for rain during Obama speech:




  1. Probably. That way people get to see for themselves how a conservative Governor Jendal plans a coarse of action,  handles an emergency situation, takes command and oversees an operation like an adult. They can compare it to how the previous liberal governor whined, and sat around waiting for someone else to do something, then blame everyone else.

  2. I think so. After all, God is almighty.

  3. I really think God has better things to do.

  4. no, God didnt send a hurricane as much as i think its humorous!  its bad timming is all!  come on my fellow DEMS and rise above the 'republican' craziness!

  5. Did you read the article that you are referencing... it was a joke that was taken the wrong way.  If I tell a blond joke, a blind joke, a black joke, a polish joke, a dutch joke, a priest a rabi and a monk joke... does that make me responsible for a natural disaster on behalf of those that may have been offended?

  6. Apparently not only can Obama not afford a roof for his brothers hut but he cannot afford to hold a convention with a roof either

  7. God has always challenged the great leaders, this is McCain's challenge.

  8. No, but it's rather amusing! That preacher is such a low-life!

  9. God doesn't like ugly and prayer isn't supposed to be vengeful.  You reap what you sow.

  10. Now that's what I call irony....and poetic justice.

    Hey Republicans, got Karma?

  11. I would love to laugh but I am more concerned with people dying

  12. So your saying that God is responsible for a category 5 hurricane that could obliterate the gulf coast again.


    and your saying the GOP asked for it.


    I hoped it rained on Obama, he was standing on a friggin Greek Temple remake, how corny does it get.

    I am surprised he didn't proclaim himself god and said that he called Gustav down during the GOP convention, arrogant a*****e that he is.

    I love how people are saying karma, for what reason, I didn't pray for rain.

    Millions of other republicans didn't pray for rain.

    What is this, " I hate you because your republican, go die "


    I am Obama, and I am god, and you are my toys! BWHAHAHAHAH


  13. The lord works in strange ways I would say.

  14. Yeah he gave them the middle finger instead

  15. Thanks!  They are such hypocrites that God's wrath of a hurricane might hit St. Paul.  They'll probably cancel completely because they know God's mad at them.  

  16. no one cares *****

  17. I guess God is a liberal.

  18. God answers them didn't he.

  19. Isn't that sad. These are the good God fearing people who believe in God, family values, NRA, .........why would they behave that way? I don't understand why they would hate like that.

  20. don't flatter yourself. this republican prays for things that actually matter, like the people who are going to be hit when gustav hits, not who will be speaking when it does.

  21. i love god  


  23. I'd be more worried about what praying for another's misfortune says about those Republicans.

    People of God are supposed to be more giving and forgiving than that.

  24. Dang!  I missed the notice for Republicans to pray for rain.

    May Heaven help all those who are adversely affected by the various storms.  And may Heaven also protect us from reprobates who post this kind of nonsense.

  25. If that's true, then they are getting really desperate.

  26. hahahahaha!! Great point! Karma b*****s.

  27. Just like a liberal I would say. You make a joke out of something that is threatning the residents of Louisiana, and the other coastal regions. All I can say is God help us all.

  28. definition of a left wing idiotic liberal loon and look how many other stupid dummies agree with him. No wonder we are in the shape we are in as a Country...not just because of Bush.

  29. that's a messed up thing to say.

  30. Really, I'm a Republican and I didn't pray for rain.  Maybe you have all Republicans confused with 1 guy again?

    If you think God sent Gustav for the GOP you belong in the same nut ball category as the guy that prayed for it to rain on Obama's speech.  

  31. I say vote for Ross Perot.

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