
Republicans - what were the three main themes of the Republican convention?

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Just let Republicans answer, I want to see them put their best foot forward. Democrats get their chance in another question.




  1. lies



  2. God, guns and war, not necessarily in that order.

  3. Keeping taxes low, fighting wasteful pork-barrel spending and corruption, keeping jobs in America, winning the war on terrorism, keeping healthcare from being government-controlled, being less dependent on foreign oil by drilling our OWN oil here, building more nuclear power facilities and using wind, solar and natural gas as alternative fuels - and the list goes on and on - :D

  4. Country first.

    Cleaning up Washington.

    Creating the environment to grow the economy.

  5. Experience, Experience, Experience

  6. Introducing the vice-president pick

    Bringing the base together

    Differentiate Obama and McCain

    Democrats-----a big rock n roll show (same 'ol players), no substance.

  7. Experience and Proven Judgment, vs, none of the above in Obama.

    Real reform, by proven reformers with a record of reform, vs a speech, so much hot air, and no performance in reforming anything, ever, or even really doing anything but campaign, by Obama

    Victory for the Country and our efforts with McCain Palin vs Victory for Obama, for himself, and defeat for our country, our efforts, our military, and the good of the world, via politically driven early retreat by democrats.

    Note: Obama is obviously not ready to lead much of anything, let alone the country. He's never even tried to make a difference, except in his own life.

    I played your game and put it into 3 main themes, though your shoe box doesn't serve accurate description very well.

  8. That's easy...POW...9/11...America rules!

    And oh yah, unplanned pregnancies are cool, as long as you pretend like it was planned afterwards, throw and engagement ring on, and get ready for a shotgun wedding.

  9. i got shot down

    i walked by and gave him a thumbs up

    obama is not better than me i am a pitbull i eat moose damnit

  10. Only one theme, keep the inexperienced Barack Apollo Obama out of the White House, mission accomplished!

    Sarah Barracuda single handedley has reenergized the Republican party and will scoop up the disenfranchised Hillary Vote, she brings the conservatives back and she attracks the 18-35 yr old male vote

    Sarah You Rock!!!!!!

  11. Weren't they suppose to talk about  peace, prosperity and service?

    Didn't Sarah Palin do that?  

  12. That we have no plan and you must FEAR THE BLACK MAN!!!!


    Sorry I couldn't help it

    They had no policies just more tax cuts for the people that don't need tax cuts. s***w the people that need the tax cuts.

    Leave it to a Republicans to vote against their best interest.

    Country First? The Republican don't know what that means!

  13. Military service



    None of which the Democratic ticket have.  I'm guessing you're Democrat, and the fact that you are asking proves you're realizing the tide is turning.

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