
Repulican democrat HELP!?

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I'm just learning about republicans and democrats and independents, can someone please explain as BEST as they can, what are the difference between republicans and democrats!!??????!!!??! and PS:(if you want to tell) which one are you? y?




  1. Democrats tend to think government can help people and the environment, with effective government programs.  Republicans tend to suspect most government programs, other than national defense, are wasteful.

    Democrats tend to think government should stay out of personal choices, like who to marry, or when to have a baby.  Republicans tend to think that personal choices some religions consider "immoral" should be banned by government.

  2. dont even bother

  3. Republicans-  are usually more conservative meaning they favor lower taxes and not punishing big companies so they can hire more workers.  Conservatives usually are against abortion and g*y marriage and don't generally want things to change.

    Democrats- are mostly liberal meaning they favor higher taxes to aid the poor.  they see big business as evil and want the government to play a larger role in the people's life with the exception of telling women not to abort children.

    I tried my best to be fair.

  4. EASY -

    If you make more than $250k a year you are Republican

    If you make less than that you are Democrat

    Oh yeah, if you want to tell everyone else how to live their life you might be a republican too

  5. Dems are anti-american communists and Republicans are for the people

    Thats all you need to know

  6. Democrats are liberal meaning there more accepting of abortion and g*y marriage and personal freedom

    Republicans are stricker on things like that and are more liable to go to war at the drop of a hat

    Republicans are more upper class rich people while democrats are mostly middle class

  7. republicans are evil trolls who want to destroy the world.

    democrats will make the world a better place=)

  8. Love some of the idiotic answers here.   How about this one!   Both parties are now one in the same.   BOth believe in intrusive policies that dictate what you think, do, and see.   Both like to tax and spend or just spend and bankrupt.   Both see themselves as the country's savior.  Both are filled with carerr politicians who are more interested in getting wealthy and retaining power over doing a civic duty and keeping the people's freedoms protected.    

    Both parties talk one way and do things another.  

    Independents and 3rd party supporters see through the bullsh*t of both major parties and have their own courses of action. Though all of themse have a few policies resembling dems or repubs, most of them are wise enough to realise that the current system of government is broken and needs to be abolished for the sake of the nation and a free people.  

  9. Democratic party : One of the two major political parties in the United States, owing its origin to a split in the Democratic-Republican Party under Andrew Jackson in 1828.

    Republican Party : One of the two primary political parties of the United States, organized in 1854 to oppose the extension of slavery.

    Democrats have a long history of being the party of high taxes, wanting healthcare for all, pro-choice, weak on military, support diplomacy over action, weak borders, and on the political spectrum it's radicals represent

    Communism and Anarchy

    Republicans have a long history of being watchdogs on spending, low taxes for all, strong borders, strong military, diplomacy over strong aggressive action, pro-life and on the political spectrum it's radicals represent


    I am republican AT THE MOMENT, because right now the economy is a little sick and needs fixing and we need a watchdog on spending and the Republican party can trace it's earliest roots to Alexander Hamilton, the founder of the U.S. economic system.

    If they follow what he did, expect a booming economy once again.

  10. First, anyone who tells you that any candidate or party will "give you more freedom" is a liar or a fool. No party "grants" rights in the US; we have a Constitution which acknowledges that all rights of Man come from our Creator. In lands ruled by dictators, tyrants, absolute rulers "grant" rights to the citizenry which can be taken away at the whim of said ruler.

    Differences: Dems believe in their own power and push their agenda through group rights, instilling in their serfs a group, rather than individual, identity. Reps believe in the power and sanctity of the individual until they take power, then they're as likely as not going to act like Dems.

    I am a Libertarian, and I would strongly urge you to look on the web at the websites of each party, and at websites which purport to refute their positions, and make up your own mind. Just remember one thing: Never, ever, under any circumstances, believe blindly in what you read on a website; always cross-check with other sources.

    And pay attention to what you're looking at. Look hard at the pictures and read between the lines of stories. Look for slant and downright untruth.

    Good luck, and if you have a question or need some advice you can EM me.

  11. Repulican?You mean reptiles.

    Ok Republicans are the ones who want to take away your freedoms and are like the muslim mullahs.

    Dems are the liberal ones and give you more freedom.

  12. Democrats cry their eyelashes off:

    Republicans don't.

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