
Request to be excused from jury duty?

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how should i start of my request to be excused from jury duty?

im a full time student in the middle of midterms and upcoming finals that i cant get out of...

i work part time as well...

what should i say?




  1. Well, since you are in the middle of midterms and need to continue with finals and whatnot you can be excused fromt he jury duty. Just tell them why you can't be able to go. Well, they can reschedule it some day later when you are available..

    Good Luck!

  2. just show up for the first day and if you get picked, explain to the judge before the trial starts

  3. How can we expect our judicial system to work in a fair manor, when so many shrug their responsibilities?

    They will let you off once or so, but will keep coming back until you finally give in and go.

    Just go, take your homework with you, plenty of time to do it there.

    Then if you happened to get called for a case, and the case happens to actually go to trial, and you get picked to be a juror, just say some of the following when they ask you questions.

    I hate cops, one framed my _______and put him/her in jail.

    I think marijuana/crack/heroin should be legalized,

    Lawyers are the parasite on society's butt.

    I'm racist, raised by a racist.

    Seriously though, just state that due to an overwhelming work and school schedule you cannot serve now.

    Good luck

  4. just ask to serve during chritmas week instead - they need jurors then, too, and you'll be available.

  5. I think you just said it.

    Make it polite, make it short and make it a statement.  You may get excused and you may not.

  6. Tell um to stick have other things to do...

  7. don't think that is good enough.... just made a biased comment and they won't want you,,

    Everyone has obligations, and as an American you are obligated to serve.

  8. Everyone has civic duties they should do.  With freedom comes responsibility.  If your not sick you should show up and fulfill your jury duty.  Who knows, you might just learn something.

  9. If you are a full-time student, then they shouldn't require your presence there. If you're required to show up, which is strange, just explain that you can't be there for that reason. Even if they give you a hard time, which they shouldn't (you have midterms for Pete's Sake!) explain that you wouldn't be much help on the case bc you'd just be thinking about school and classes anyway.

  10. Usually simply stating that you are in college and facing mid-term exams would be enough to be excused. I know it's worked for me in the past.

  11. Full times students are automatically excused from jury duty.  There should be a box to check and mail back in.  If not, say something like this...

    "I regret to inform you that I am unable to attend jury duty on "insert date", because I am a full time college student. "

    If anything, mail in your class schedule or an enrollment verification with the letter.

  12. Just write a letter tell them the truth and that you would be more than happy to serve when school is out.

  13. just say please.

  14. I have ALWAYS got out of it.  Don't ignore the notice, respond to it.  Just tell them YOU CAN'T go.  That's how I always got out of it.  I could not miss work, so I told them so.  I did not hear from them for a while.

  15. for the allahhh!!!!!!

  16. Court does not care about your job.You can submit a request about being a student,  but I'm betting you'll have to talk to your instructors for a makeup test. You need to go into the courthouse and fill out the proper request forms and sit and wait until you are called to have your reason heard. It's a c**p shoot with out a doctors letter.

  17. say "ive read far too much into the legal system to be an unbiased jurur. if you did not have a solid case you would not waste tax dollars looking to convict. therefore I can not be a fair juror for the defence."   my law teacher in college said it will work for anyone.

  18. Very few people want to pull jury duty, and it's rarely convenient for anyone. I was once an alternate juror for a week of a trial that started the same day I was supposed to start a new job, the judge didn't seem to think it was a compelling enough reason to get off. As it turned out my employer did understand. After listening to a week of excruciatingly detailed evidence (read boring) I was dismissed the second day of deliberations when it became apparent they didn't need me. So the whole thing was inconvenient and 'a waste of my time'....but guess what? I still think jury duty is a civic responsibility and I'm glad I served.

    You'll probably get off...but try and do it next time around.

  19. Call the court house and tell them you plight, give them your free time schedule and request to be reassigned.

    They will tell you what you can or can't do.

    If you can not get out of it, go to the university's registrar's office and explain the issue, things can be worked out

    It is your civic duty to serve, sometimes we just can't have it our way.

  20. commit a felony it works for me or get classified as SMI  (seriously mentaly ill ) that works for me too

  21. Instant excuses:

    If you have a compelling reason why you can't serve, you can ask for an excuse by writing the court.  Excuses are generally given for the following reasons:

            You are over 70 years old.

            You are a volunteer firefighter, rescue squad member or ambulance crew member.

            You must care for young children or elderly adults, if your absence will put them at risk.

            You are so important to the operation of a business that your absence will cause that business to fail.

            You are an attorney, physician, dentist or registered nurse.

            You do not have a car and are unable to use public transportation.

      Excuses are usually not given through the mail for general work or family care responsibilities.  These problems will be considered during the jury selection process (after you actually report to the courthouse on the first day.)

  22. It would be more than sufficient to say EXACTELY what you wrote hon !!!!!!!!!!!!   "thank you for requesting me to serve on jury duty. However at this time I am unable to honor your request due to.....................    i'm  a full time student in the middle.etc...........   more than ok!!!!!!

  23. Although you have legitimate reasons for being "excused" from jury duty, you should get a doctor's excuse as well. It will hold more weight and you can be sure that it will be accepted. This will all be the "truth," so go for it. Also, keep a folder with all materials of this sort, with full dates on them. This way, you will be able to make use of these materials in the future. I wish you the best on your exams and all of your efforts.

  24. Being chosen for jury duty certainly can be inconvenient, but more is a civic duty. We live in a wonderful country where we enjoy rights and freedoms. Those freedoms come with responsibilities, one of which is serving jury duty when asked.

    Your professors will have no choice but to excuse your absences when they have proof that you are serving on a jury, also your employer will not be able to take any action against you for this absence.

    I don't want to sound "preachy", but we all are obligated to serve our country when called upon. Try to look on the situation as a learning experience. The trial may even be interesting.

    Hope I've helped you.

  25. You tell them you can't afford (financially and educationally) to take the time of of school or work. You can obtain letters verifying your employment and schooling to send in with your request. It should be no problem

  26. On the back of the form, you should have a set of reasons for you to pick from as to why you can't turn up.  Check a box and return it, they will usually approve your request.  OR, you can postpone your jury to another date many months in advance.  I postponed mine twice for a total of 8 months and it worked out great for me.  They know that not everyone can turn up and they make every effort to accomodate people's schedules.  My barber just ignores the forms and doesn't bother to send an excuse and hasn't been penalized yet (though I wouldn't recommend this course of action).  Call the number and postpone it, that's what I'd recommend.

  27. I think if you simply state the truth, they will excuse you. You probably won't get excused for being employed, but having midterms which cannot easily be made up should be enough of a hardship to get you off the hook this time.

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