
Required sponsors?

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i am 49 old i know so many crafts moulding sculptur etc i want to open a institution for poor people and orphans




  1. Sponsors prefer to contribute only to institutions that have already established themselves, on their own - and have PROVED their credibility and sincerity in genuinely providing shelter, support and succor to destitutes and orphans. They need PROOF that their funds will NOT be misused.

    ...No offense meant, but when you seek a sponsorship to 'open an institution', they will wonder if YOU rate yourself as the first beneficiary among the 'poor people and orphans' you mention !

    They will conclude that you are only out to make some easy money - and may report you to the police, and even get you arrested as a fraud.

    So, if you really wish to perform any real community service, you should begin by doing so with your OWN money - and not expect others to finance your marketing yourself as a 'do-gooder' !

    Nobody can become a philanthropist, by using somebody else's hard-earned money.

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