
Requirements For Foster Care?

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What are the requirements for being a foster parent? Do you have to be married, do you have to own a house, do you have to have raised children of your own? How old do you have to be to become a foster parent? Are there different requirements from state to state? How about Massachusetts? What exactly do you have to do?




  1. Thank you for wanting to do such a wonderful thing like foster care, there are not enough good people out there willing to sacrifice so much to help these children!  That said, you need to get in touch with your local department of children and family services, they will tell you everything you need to know.  But no you do not have to be married, own a home or have raised other children.  There are certain requirements though but the DCFS will tell you everything you need to know.  Good luck and thanks again for helping these children!

  2. The laws and requirements are different from State to State. I see that someone has already provided you a link.

    Most of the time, you don't have to be married, you won't have to own your own home, but you will have to provide your paycheck stub, and a copy of last year's tax return. This is done to make sure that you can afford to support yourself, and the child in your care. And that you aren't trying to make money off the system. I know, but some people.  

    You must be at least 18 years old, and there is a physical involved as well. Questioning any diseases or issues that may prevent you from taking care of a child. Your home must be up to standards of clean, and safe for a child with ample room for the child. A bedroom and bed for example.  You will be fingerprinted and have a background check on local, State, and also FBI ran on you. You must also provide letters of reference to your character.  If you want anyone to babysit for you, they too must be visited their home examined, undergo a back ground check, and given the okay.

    You'll take classes offered by DCBS to be certified. After you have completed everything, you will need to keep your hours up every year in order to keep your home current and open.

    I realize it sounds like a lot and could sound overwhelming. However, if you are doing this for the children, once you are in the middle of it time just flies by. It seems like such a short period of time.

    There should also be support groups, county associations, and a State association for you to get involved with if you choose to do so.

  3. U do need to have a house.. and be able to care for them..

    I dont know how old u have to be.. I would say over 20..

  4. You do not have to be married.  You do not have to OWN a house.  You should get in touch with your local courthouse and find out about specific regs for your state.

    What you will have to do first is get a homestudy done where you live so that they know it's suitable for children to live in.  Next, there should be some classes you have to take to get qualified to do foster care.  Then they will put you on a list and when a child becomes available they will contact you.

    If you have enough room for siblings your chances may be higher of getting a kid right away, and if you can support more than one.  The state should give you compensation for caring for the children and compensation for child care if necessary.  They should also pay for medical and dental.  

    I'd say start with your courthouse.  another good website is

    Good luck.

  5. You do not need to be married or own a home or have raised children previously.

    The specifications will vary from state to state.  Check with your local Social Services office.  They can get you started with information you'll need.

    Best of luck.

  6. Try this site to get info on Massachusetts' requirements:

  7. I am not 100% sure how it works in USA but here in the U.K we had a social worker come to our house to do an asessment on my husband and I.

    You dont have to be married and you dont have to own your own home (although both of these could help your case) you have to show that you are financially secure and that you have enough money to raise a child. They will also be looking at how you are together as a couple. They have to be 100% sure that you would be suitable foster parents.

    You dont have to have had your own children to foster either.

    The first thing you need to do is contact the authorities and ask them to come out and see you.

    Good Luck!

    Speaking from Experience

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