
Requirements for being waitress at strip club?

by  |  earlier

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other than being hot, what do you have to do and know in order to get the job... what should you wear to the interview and what should you wear if you get the job???? and any other info that i should know???




  1. um well you difinatly need to be extremely desperate, have no moral values, and have lose self-esteem.

  2. Two Parts:


    A. What to wear to the interview:

    You should dress s**y (though more for a fancy cocktail party than a night club) and the owner or manager will tell you what to wear for the job if you get it, and something of what he expects from you.

    B. What other info you need to know about the job:

    You should know how to stay off drugs because they are epidemic in the stripper-industry, and a quick trap-door to prostitution.

  3. how to sell drinks and support the strippers in their attempt to get ment to buy them drinks. How to help them dump their drinks so they don't have to drink them.

    wear something provacative. Visit the club ahead of time - Look at how the other girls are dressed for clues.

    Beware - the waitresses are usually recruited for amatuer night contests. This  is intended to break you in so you will become a dancer.

    Chances are the place will eventually get raided for prostitution.. you may or may not be picked up at that time under suspicion. they will come through looking for drugs, minors, etc.

    Drunk men have a tendancy to grab - they don't care if you are only a their minds you are there in the club so you must be willing to play along

    Please find something else to do with your life.

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