
Requirements for homeschooling in Florida?

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I am 17 years old student in Florida, I am senior now...can i be in homeschool if my parrents dont have high school diploma from USA? i mean they have high school diploma but its from europe...thanks




  1. no requirement for parent. You do have to have a review by a state teacher each year - this can be a friend, family member, etc. Doesn't have to be a teacher that teaches your grade. You have to keep a portfoloio for them to review.

  2. The state of Florida has no teacher requirements for the parents.  They don't need any kind of High School diploma to homeschool.

    Now, if you are talking about Public School at Home, rather than independent homeschool, then it will be up to the person who is in charge of that program.

  3. your parents dont home school you, you do florida virtual school online

  4. The State of Florida does NOT require the parents to hold any type of certification in order to homeschool.

    The things you WILL need are:

    1) a portfolio (this is all the work that you do during the school year).

      2) a calendar to mark your attendance on (can be a pocket version)

      3) An evaluation at the end of the school year. This can be done by a Certified Teacher (must be  current), a Psycologist, or take a Standardized test ( you will want a teacher who has knowledge of High School Standards).

       4) Transcripts that can be shown to the college you wish to attend (if you attend)

        5) Take the GED ( relax it will say HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA on it ).

    Go to the website and pan over to the little map of the USA and then click on Florida. When the page comes up click on the LEGAL to homeschool section and it will give you more specifics.

    Your parents will need to give an 'Intent To Homeschool' letter to your local School Board which will have a office that deals with homeschoolers.

    You and your parents  also need to be aware that the school is NOT responsible for providing you with a curriculum or school books.....that is YOUR responsibility and your cost.

    Surf the web and you will find numerous sites that have all sorts of educational levels and thrift stores can be browsed for used books.

    FYI....someone mentioned Florida Virtual School. Be aware that if you choose a Virtual School , you are not homeschooling in the true sense of the word as you will be SUBJECT to the PUBLIC SCHOOL rules for classes, attendance and subject matter.

    Hope this helps in some small way. Good luck to you.

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