
Requirements going to high school after being home schooled?

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I'm 14 and going to 9th grade(high school) I have already passed the 9th grade but i will have to retake it if I am going to school this year. I have been home schooled since 2nd grade, I am wondering what kind of tests I will have to take? School Starts August 18th, Is it to late to try going back?




  1. They will give you a placement test so that they have you at the right level. They may also look at the work you have done and count it for your high school transcript and the credits you need. Talk to a school councilor and see what they can do to help you with that. They may be your best source of information for going back. They deal with these kinds of things every year and know the policies of the school district you are in better than any one here.

  2. Get an appointment with your high school counselor ASAP. There are ways to get credit for classes passed - remember that the passing standard may be different so it's what the public school say is passing that counts.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. It is not too late for you to return. You may not have to repeat the 9th grade. Every public school has a test that can be taken to see where your grade level is. If you can pass that test in the level 9 - then you will start in the 10th grade. However, you may run up with problems when you start to graduate because of the amount of credits needed to graduate. You need to contact the guidance couselor at the highschool that you are considering. Speak in detail about the grade level, material on test, and credits. Find out if your credits that you have earned in 9th grade at homeschool will be transfered to their records and counted. This will help out a lot!

    If you are given a test to enter into highschool it will consist of Language Arts (Writing, Essays, and Literature) and Math (Multiplication, Division, Fractions, and basic Algebra and basic Geometry). They will have a short section of question for science that covers the basics in science.

    The test will have 8th grade, 9th Grade, and 10th grade questions on it. That way they will be able to see if you are behind, where you need to be, or advanced.

    Hope this helps :-)

    I hope this helps :-)

  4. Not to late-you can go back. You will probably take a math and english placement test.

    Are there other option in your area? My kids go to an independent study high school that still has prom, yearbook and some classes. It's a public school so there are no costs.

    Warm Regards,


  5. Most likely, you will be given the test that your state gives 8th graders in order to be promoted to ninth grade.  If you pass that, the school may just simply put you into ninth grade.

    HOWEVER, take them some examples of the work you have done in ninth grade at home and have an official looking transcript or report card for ninth grade..  Maybe they will assess this work and record, and grant you credits for it.  OR, they may insist that you take their final exam for English I, Algebra I, and whatever science and social studies you tell them you have taken at home for ninth grade.  If you pass those, they should grant you credits for those tests that you pass.

    It would be great good luck for you if you've been in some online or correspondence school that has kept your official transcript for ninth grade.  The public school MAY (or more likely may not) accept those as credit.  Take everything with you just in case.  AND GOOD LUCK!

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