
Requirements to do a BSc degree in an AMerican university, for student in England?

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I am doing my AS levels in England, and i am planning to move to america after i finish my A levels. What would i need to do in order to do a BSc degree in an AMerican University. i.e. do i need to take the SAT or are there additional exams, or are my A level's sufficient to get a place.




  1. Simmy, the Universities are online!  Do your web search and email them.  You could even order any number of catalogers etc. online from the various schools of your choice.

    This question can only be answered by the University itself, but you knew that, this was a test right?

    Bon chance.

  2. Your A levels will put you in good stead re: US university admissions, but you will also need the SAT or the ACT exams, which are the entrance exams that most universities want. You need only take one of them: the SAT or the ACT, not both.

    You can take the SAT in the UK, and there are books and online resources for practice exams, so you can get familiar with the format of the exam and the types of questions they tend to ask.

    Note that all US universities will ask you for your "GPA", or your average grades. Just email them and ask how they'd like you to fill in that info, since English A level and AS levels don't translate into GPA. It's not a big issue - they get this question all the time, so they can advise you on the finer points.

    The other main difference in the application process is that you'll need to fill out an application from each uni, and file it with that uni. There is no central clearing, like UCAS, in the US. But that also means you can apply to as many unis as you'd like - you don't need to limit yourself to just the five that UCAS allows.

    You'll also need to file a FAFSA - an application for financial aid - when the time comes. But not just yet, and this form has nothing to do with actual university admissions. Just on your funding.

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