
Research topic for special education?

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please suggest a research topic for special education




  1. Impact of No Child Left Behind on children with mild Mental Retardation or with fairly severe SLD. Some of them are getting left back in third a number of times.

    Best communication system training for children on the autism spectrum. These can include sign language, Picture Exchange Communication System or ABA techniques. Lot of controversy here.

    What are the best research based methods of teaching reading to special ed kids?

    Are we over modifying instruction and  accommodating special ed kids?

    Should special ed kids get vouchers to attend private schools via the McKay Scholarship?

    Find out why the federal government does not fully fund IDEA. If you find out why, should they continue to underfund the law?

    Is inclusion an illusion? What happens to mildly handicapped children who are included in regular classrooms, when they receive little teacher support. Is inclusion working for these kids?

  2. What kinds of methods of teaching Math are there to teach students with different disabilities.  For example, if a student has a reading disability, what do teachers do to accomodate that when the student needs to read a problem?

    Of course, this can be narrowed maybe to your likings.  

    I think Math is very important and we need to help (teachers) all the students to learn to solve problems successfully.

    Anyway, hope this helps.

  3. How wide the spectrum is on autism or you can also do one on how many main classroom teachers know or have been trained for autistic children. This is very shocking in my area some had never heard of it until last yr.. and they still have not had any training on it.

  4. I'd suggest Asperger's Syndrome; it's widely misunderstood. There are a lot of common stereotypes involving it. For example, not liking change isn't true of many with AS. On Boston Legal, the guys hands on his thighs is more of an OCD trait than an AS trait. Surely, there are some people with greater severity than the mass with AS and some people that are more autistic than a nonverbal disorder. Autism is more of a verbal disorder with strong nonverbal skills while Aspergers is a nonverbal disorder with strong verbal skills; in some ways, they can have opposite connotations. While many with autism tend to be mechanical, those with AS sometimes aren't.

    I'd suggest going to an AANE meeting if you are allowed to go in and explain what you intend to do. Since you have a non-profit motive, I'd say your chances are at least 30%.

    On Everyone Loves Raymond, Raymond unintentionally plays the role of a person with Aspergers; while many people just consider him a doofus, his misunderstanding of nonverbal cues is very characteristic of Aspergers. He constantly gets into trouble with his wife and always says the wrong things. While he's a little eccentric (a common AS trait), he happens to be highly attractive.  If you cannot go to an AANE meeting, I'd try to match his mishaps to a person with AS.

    Now I am by no means saying that the actor himself has AS; it is only that on the show Everyone Loves Raymond that I believe he has many AS characteristics in the character he plays.,sear...

    Also, he's usually on at 7pm or 7:30 pm on some Fox stations.

    I hope you ace the project.

  5. Important topics in special education at the moment are inclusion (least restrictive environment services) and autism/ aspergers syndrome.  If you are researching for a class both of these topics will have a ton of current research, debates, etc.  Also, as you go to look for a job in this field (if you should do so) you will have current facts and research.  A great author for inclusion is Carol Ann Tomlinson.  Search the autism society if you decide to go that route.  Good Luck.

  6. Language processing. When a person has a hard time expressing their thoughts and feelings because they can't find the words. My sister has it. The proper name is CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). Good luck.

  7. Special education LAW. which is called IDEA  individuals with disabilities education act.

    THis is the foundation for everything special ed. It is NOT being followed by public schools.

    Most schools are corrupt when it comes to special ed and people are pulling their kids out in enormous numbers becuase of this.

    Here's some sites that will help you a lot on this-

  8. Which is the most effective in improving student progress--RTI (Response To Intervention) interventions designed by SPED staff, but implemented by non-SPED staff, or...SPED services?


    How are the roles of SPED teachers changing in schools as a result of RTI?

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