
Reserve Marine (Delayed Entry Program)

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I have been told that since I ship out next year March while being in the delayed entry program. I can get out of my (6x2) contract if I decided not to go through with it? I found this out at the GI Rights website. It is not official and final until you go to boot camp which is why the recruiters always ask if you wanted to be shipped out earlier. It easy to get out before boot camp than after boot camp, is this true?

My reason for having second thoughts my current job role at the company has changed since and my immediate family....




  1. Yes you can get out of your contract. because you have your set date to leave and if you dont go they will have to make you up by adding 2 more people into there dep program so they figure if you dont want to go they will let you out by the 1st of whatever month comes up after you tell them. so the sooner you tell them the better.

  2. Your contract is not official until your second trip to meps where you swear in and sign the final contract. If you don't want to go just send a letter to the recruiting station commander. Be warned that the recruiter will give you a pretty hard time about this. You can safely ignore anything he says. Dropping out of delayed entry program carries no bad consequences whatsoever contrary to what the recruiter may try to make you think. It is illegal for a recruiter to threaten adverse consequences in this situation

  3. It is not a secret and most military sites have this info..It is your right to back out and to re-negotiate your contract before you leave for boot camp..

    Your reason is very irrelevant..You simply tell your recruiter that you do not plan to ship..Of course he will get mad and will lie and scare you into thinking you have to go but he has no choice but to release..

    Remember that you are the one in charge and not them..TELL him and DO NOT ask him about you not wanting to go on with the contract.

    Yes its very  just dont go..No harm no foul..Just understand your gonna have to live with the decision for the rest of your life.

  4. Yes, it is easier to get out before boot camp. You can't get out after minus medical complications or fradulant enlistment.

    Just write a letter to your recruiter's command. And then don't show up the day you have to ship! You probably will never be able to join the Marines again, but if you are ok with that, then you are fine.

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