
Resident evil 4 wii version worth it???

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i was just wondering because i saw it in gamestop and it was 20 bucks.And if u can,give ur own review with a score in graphics,gameplay,story,how long it will take to learn the controls,and difficulty.




  1. You saw it for $20? Lucky. However, I say that the Gamecube version is better. The Wii version may have crisper graphics and the waggly controller whatnot, but the Gamecube is the original, and originals are always somewhat better.

    Just for proof, he's the metacritic comparing the two versions (Wii edition and GCN):

    GCN MC:

    WII MC:

  2. I think review shouldnt be needed as R4 is one of best games avaible for ps2.

    It has best graphics among all shooters, second to God of War 2 when compared with all genre's tittles.

    Gameplay brings much joy as game is loaded with action and fresh ideas, game has cinematic feel thanks to included scripten actions and cut-scenes. Story sux hard as in all RE series, its infantile and shallow, just a pretext to kill more and more zombies (i know they are infected peasants but they act and look like them so theres no diffirence for me). Learning controls is fairly easy and in the beginning you will have planty time to do it as enemies will be rather slow. Diffulcity depends on your gaming experience, for me it was well balanced in the beginning and quite challenging in later parts.

    Graphics 9.5/10

    Gameplay 9/10

    Story 5/10

    Difficulty balance + controlls 9/10

  3. The Wii version is easily the best one as I have completed it on PS2 and Wii and Gamecube. The controls are easy to learn as well. I'd give it a 9/10.

  4. i bought and LOVED it,   i think its my best wii games

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