My son is suspected of having Asperger's Syndrome. Since birth to now age 7, we've had more than our share of challenged. If there is an acronym, ie: ADD/ODD, ADHD, OCD, NVLD, etc., my son has been diagnosed with it. Including Bipolar disorder and Sensory Integration Dysfunction. I'm at a loss, I've been doing research for years, seeing psych's and therapist, we've done med's and now the prospect of yet another "disorder", oh please. I'd like to know if there are any parents, who have experienced resistence with schools, and doctors, seemingly pointing fingers at the parents for "over reacting"? I need resource information for the Riverside County area. I have visited virtually every website, and there is information, however, I would like someone who has experienced what I have to point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated!