
Resource information for children with Asperger's Syndrome?

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My son is suspected of having Asperger's Syndrome. Since birth to now age 7, we've had more than our share of challenged. If there is an acronym, ie: ADD/ODD, ADHD, OCD, NVLD, etc., my son has been diagnosed with it. Including Bipolar disorder and Sensory Integration Dysfunction. I'm at a loss, I've been doing research for years, seeing psych's and therapist, we've done med's and now the prospect of yet another "disorder", oh please. I'd like to know if there are any parents, who have experienced resistence with schools, and doctors, seemingly pointing fingers at the parents for "over reacting"? I need resource information for the Riverside County area. I have visited virtually every website, and there is information, however, I would like someone who has experienced what I have to point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated!




  1. You need a new doctor.  Its EXTEEEEMLY rare for a kid to have bipolar symptoms before age 15.  Its usually something that starts in their early 20's.

    You need to get your kid to a specialist at a proper psych hospital.  I am an (almost) RN and we had a kid come in with similar problems in a psych hospital I worked at.  I can't give out any details because of privacy concerns, but suffice it to say that the mother, not the son, was the one that was ultimately diagnosed with a mental illness.

  2. Have they called a student study team on him to require you have him evaluated?  If so, then you have an IEP in place for your son.  State funded schools are required by law to give you child what he needs for his education.  Private schools are not and unfortunately I have found that once private schools get funding cuts, the special ed program is the first to suffer.  The squeakiest wheel gets the oil.  You have to be a very proactive advocate for your child.  Volunteering at his school is a good way to make your presence known to the administrators.  If they see you are helping them out, they are more likely to scratch your back.  Look for an autism specialist in surrounding counties.  Be specific about your requests when you find one.  Ask specifically to be tested for ASD's. Do not ask them what they think-- tell them what YOU think as ask if they can confirm.  Knowledge is power so if you come to an appointment with your best foot forward, professionals are less likely to molly coddle you.

  3. what helped us most: SEPTA mtgs. in our suburb & the nearby ones, &

    I have learned so much there about advocating effectively for my son, and the mistakes.

    ie try to acknowledge the other viewpoint when you make you case, to seem more rational and read the stuff on the site-- a lot of very specific articles--about writing up what happens, what is  said, the "letter to a stanger" section is vital so when you ask for outside or intervention your story will be clear, focused, and not a rant but show concerns that another could side with. find the other mothers out there who understand-- moms at septa mtgs. have even told me things about my own school district I didn't know, who to have at the meetings, etc. In my area you can pay $500 for an  advocate -- an incredible one--but many places have a resource center too. schools have pressure to save money on referrals, etc. of course but there are things your child needs and it can be shown that it is aprt of the "appropriate" part of FAPE, you have a better chance but have to justify it till the cows come home....just at hought but have you ever thought of documenting how he is at home or on a nice low-stress vacation and comparing it to the stresses at school to see just what is environmental/educational and what is more? antecedents, etc? my son acts differently at home and has more problems in school because. of more stress there but when placement was more appropriate it got WAY better. frustrating road to be on! I just spent hours at a neuropsych. today....first eval person thought it was bipolar--pulleeeezeee--just becasue of moodiness???!!! hello! you'd be moody too if you h ated school--the moodiness lessened drastically when the beeeyatchy teacher was not in the picture.

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