All food and products take a certain toll on the environment in production, transport, storage etc. I want to choose the most environmentally friendly option. I know meat takes a toll on the environment so I'm vegetarian. Obviously locally grown food is better. Now I'm looking further.
Watching a docco the other night I discovered that a lot of pesticides are used for sugarcane, these run off into the water, then to the ocean and poision sealife. There's a lot of production involved as it is a highly refined product. Then there's transport. There may be more to consider but that's what comes to mind. So I thought maple syrup would be better, I don't know about the process of sourcing or packaging maple. I am pretty sure to get real (not sugar filled immitation) maple it has come from Canada as I don't think Australia produces maple, so even more transport is involved.
I want to apply this ideal to all purchases. This is my dillema, any links or book references would be great