
Resources for learning C#?

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I've got some programming experience and I'm interested in diving into C#. I've installed Visual Studio C# and XNA Game Studio 2.0 so that I can start putting together some basic games for hobbies sake...

I'd like to find out some good free resources that will give me a nice solid foundation to C# as somewhat of a beginner to the language.




  1. I think you're trying to run before you can walk.

    Learn C# and the .Net framework first.

    Worry about XNA/Games later.

    I "had" been programming for 8 years (and in ten different languages) before I tried to write my first game.

    You have to understand more than just code: newtonian physics (3D+time), vectors, matrice transforms, vertices, triangles, polygons, meshs, textures, file I/O, memory management, multi-threading and lastly pixel shaders... it goes on and on.

    Wax on, Wax off young grasshopper.

    There are billions of blogs, forums, libraries and videos on MSDN. Just google.

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