
Respect elders?

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I'm the guy that gives you respect first, and want it back in return. my boss @ work is 50. I showed her instant respect because she's older than me, not just because she's my boss. that respect lasted about 10 minutes. she treats me like c**p and "baby-talks" like I'm stupid. I was complaining to my parents about her, and dad says she's your elder so you should respect her no matter what! I responded with "why should I respect someone who for no reason treats me like sh!+? I respected her first and hoped to have it in return, but she took advantage of that and she's never getting my respect again." I'm not going to the HR office about her since it's a summer job and I quit in 2 weeks to go to school. but what do you think? should I respect elders even when they treat me like c**p?




  1. I can understand fully what you are saying, your boss is right, you are stupid, as for retuning to school, it is well past the time you returned, try a little harder in English and try to improve your attitude.

  2. I treat people politely and they can earn my respect but giving just because of age is ridiculous. If they don't deserve it they don't get it.

  3. i don't really respect anyone unless they deserve it, elders are no exception, but they're usually wiser and have accomplished more, so that may cause them to have a better chance of earning my respect

  4. Maybe it would be better to say you must act respectfully to her if you want to continue working there.  

    A stranger on the street who's cussing at you or something is best ignored.

    Your parents get your respect.  If you're an adult and can't respect them, stay away.  If you're a kid and they're physically abusing you or are truly verbally abusing you, call Child Services.  Otherwise, respect them.

    Your contemporaries deserve polite behavior until they show you they don't deserve it.

  5. I'm sorry that you've run into such an offensive boss.  Unfortunately, some people act like sorry jerks whenever they are given a little authority.  Just because your boss demonstrates how ignorant and crass she is, does that mean you should lower yourself to her level and act ignorant as well?  Of course have more class than that.

    Respecting age simply means not being impolite.  It doesn't mean you like the person, feel sincere respect for her, or really care what she thinks.  You don't act polite because someone necessarily deserves courtesy, but because you have too much dignity and SELF-respect to lower your own standards.

    As far as going to the HR office goes, I agree with you--it probably wouldn't do any good.  You might consider this, however.  When the job is over send her a very politely worded letter with a lot of "I felt ___________ when...." statements in it.  Explain that you would like to understand why she was so condescending and brusque with you (avoid the word "rude") as you did your best to please her.  Then, if she sends you an ignorant, rude reply, send BOTH your and her letter to the HR department along with a short explanation saying that THIS is why you won't be coming back.  Good luck.

  6. Don't worry she probably has had a very misreble lonely life and now is mad at the world, and there is a difference between having geniune respect for someone and showing respect, so just avoid her since this is very temporary karma has already gotten then best of her.

    p.s . Just because someone is older doesnt mean they are wiser, they don't necessarily have more experience.

  7. I think you should treat everyone with common courtesy. Respect on the other hand should be earned,not freely given due to age,title,etc. Some people unfortunately think these things gain them respect and therefore they should be able to treat others badly.They are just SOOOOOOOOOO wrong. I hope you have a better experience with your next job.
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