
Respect in the military?

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3. Is respect a one way street in the military? if so, what can be done to change that? If not, why is it that soldiers get punished for being disrespectful, but when it is the other way around, nobody is supporting the soldiers. NCO'S disrespect soldiers all the time, reported or not, nothing is done about it. But i have seen soldiers lose their rank for being disrespectful to an NCO who has disrespected the soldier first. Also, an NCO have clearly state she does not have to show me any respect, i have not earned it. Why is that? Does that mean only higer ranking deserve respect. Is the Army saying it is ok, some people are better than others, we are not equal.

Someone explain this to me.




  1. Sounds like you got in trouble and were given an assignment by your NCO.

    I think you should figure this one out on your own instead having people on Yahoo do it for you.

    I will give you one bit of information though. Check the UCMJ.

    It is unlawful to be disrespectful to an NCO or higher. There is nothing forbidding disrespect towards a non-NCO.

  2. the old time British military got there respect by a thing called Section 40

    DUMB INSOLENCE that meant if a person of higher rank gave you a job and you pulled a strange face you were on a charge section 40 when we changed Military law in Australia i was one of many that wanted section 40 and everything related to it removed from Australian  military law It was done

    I was a Warrant Officer in the Australian Air Force and had and still do

    a problem with this Statement i am your SUPERIOR my reply was and is only God is my superior you are just a person with more rank.

    with that i was threatened with being charged with insubortination and i informed him because i am a Warrant Officer you don't have the rank to do anything to me and if you want my respect you will apologise to me for being a rude little boy

    I am still waiting for the charge and the apology and the OFFICER is now a civilian

    Respect of Rank is one thing respect of person holding the Rank is another when you salute in the British or Royal military forces you are not saluting the person you are saluting the commission not the person

    the General that surrendered to the Japanese in Malaysia WW2 lost all respect when he ordered all the troops under his command to surrender.

    and the German Field Marshall in Stalingrad who commanded 250,000 men and obeyed hitler and only 7000 made it home does he deserve Respect I think not he was an Imbecile and only an idiot respects an imbecile  

    the military laws need to be changed because a bully with rank is evil

    ADOLF HITLER is a perfect example and was only promoted to cpl

  3. Respect is very important in the military. One thing that no one has mentioned here is that you have to respect the RANK, but not the person.

    You may abhor the PERSON who is giving you an order, but if they outrank you, you must RESPECT the rank and do as ordered.

    Respect is NEVER a one way street. However, there are varying degrees of respect that one does see. If one is buds with a senior person, they will be treated differently than one who is not. This is more commonly referred to as a clique.

    To EARN someones respect is different for each person. This particular NCO might expect you to do the job you are assigned, without complaining that it is not MY job to do this.

    If you do, then he might cut you slack the next time a police call detail is needed and you just did a good job for him.

    You are only equal with those of the same pay grade. If you are a higher pay grade then some, they are not your equal, and you are not the equal to an NCO or Warrant Officer or Officer because you are none of those ranks.  

  4. The military is NOT a democracy and it IS run according to a rank system. Technically, no one in the military is permitted to show disrespect for a fellow military member. Practically and historically, the lower ranking military members receive whatever respect the higher ranking members feel is appropriate. A good superior officer or NCO usually shows a cetain amount of respect for the people working for him/her in order to get better results - I know I always did. But, if it comes down to a "he said/she said" situation, the one wearing the most rank wins every time and that is how it MUST be to have an effective military organization. Remember, we are talking here about respect/disrespect, not physical or verbal ABUSE which is generally frowned upon. (after basic training - during basic training everything goes and the wise trainee sucks it up and "soldiers on")

    As for your last sentence? Go back to MY first sentence: The military is NOT a democracy and YES the Army is saying everyone is not equal! What a mess it would be if a military leader had to ask for a show of hands or "request" his platoon to attack an objective!  

  5. i like what L pee said. you have to respect the rank not the person. that one of the best advice i got from one of my super visor in my six years in the military.

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