A few weeks ago, my parents went out to dinner with their friends and both of them came back inebriated. when they came back to our house, they brought their friends with them (which they had specifically said they wouldn't) and started making fun of me. i mean, they were just teasing me but they went too far and wouldn't let me leave. i had cleaned up the kitchen while they were out because they were late (as usual) and in a great rush. then, the next morning i cleaned the kitchen again from the mess they had left from when they and their friends had come back. i know this seems selfish or something of me but i was really upset when they didn't even thank me for it. i think i wanted them to thank me, not really for cleaning up, but sort of like thank me for putting up with their drinking. also, in the morning my mom found my ring (you know, one of those cheep solid stone ones for kids?) broken in pieces but I got it in Australia when I was young and it ment a lot to me. My mother knew