
Respond to examples of work by other artists?

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one of my objectives for my art coursework is to respond to examples of work by other artists, but i'm not entirely sure what it means by that.

does it mean i have to evaluate other artist's work, or take inspiration from them or what?

can someone please explain!? thanks! (10 points for best answer :) )




  1. To respond to an artwork is to have a fast, initial feeling or opinion about it.

    One theory about art is that the best pieces make people feel something.  It could be joy, anger, calm, discomfort, any emotion... or an artwork can remind you of a time or place in your life and bring feelings of that memory.

    A response can be as simple as "Yuck!  That is a messy brown picture."  to "Oh, so beautiful!"  Some works will just feel neutral, not meaning anything to you.  For an art class, you would probably want to go into your reasons as to why you think an artwork is beautiful or ugly or joyful.  There is really no wrong response, because every individual will see and feel different things looking at the same piece of art.

    A response is your immediate feeling, while an evaluation is a more complex, thoughtful discussion about aspects like color use, period style, technique, use of lines, historical perspective, the artist's reason for creating, etc.  

  2. its called critique and teacher did not tell you right

    that why !best thing too is study it

    art get judged, what the better points of the picture,

    what are poor points in a picture, like the color are good

    but drawing is poor, pick out it ,not balanced

    no point of interrest, colors clashing,over mixed paint

    so on

  3. This means that, as an art student, you will be learning how to define your reactions to the artwork of others.  This can include the simple gut level reaction of "like" or "don't like," and extend beyond into learning to define why you feel that way, a brief evaluation or analysis of the art supporting your reaction, and perhaps how this art may influence, or fail to influence, any further developments in the art world.  Overall, this will improve you as an artist, and if you are not an artist, but just taking some art classes, it will improve your observation, analysis,  and communication skills.  

  4. Every one has an opinion. You can react to "art" in many ways and on different levels. I am an (aestetic) artist and I would hope you would see the "beauty" I'm trying to convey. As a philosophic artist I would hope to stimulate your thoughts about a given subject. Some where in between is where you run into questions that might confuse, ( is it pretty, ugly, inspirational, disenchanting, competent, thought provoking or whatever). All I would like to know, (as a teacher) is your reaction, not what you think you are expected to say.

  5. You are to respond to others’ art.

    It means how does it affect you? What does it do for you? Art can affect people in different ways or not at all. Art can impact a person’s emotions, or a person physically, or a person mentally or a person spiritually.

    That is why art is so personal and subjective. You like or not and have to figure out why.

    Keep Arting!

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

    2D & 3D artist

  6. I think you have to respond to others work by adapting it to your work... like if some famous artist created a work of art using charcoals you have to be inspired and create your own ... it doesn't mean that you have to do what he/she had done just create an art that same as your chosen artist

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