
Respond to this quote !!?

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"no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible"

It's supposed to be 250 words.

i need some ideas.

***person with most USEFUL ideas gets BEST ANSWER !

thanks =)




  1. you are not getting 250 words, but it is a quote regarding personal accountability for all situations.  

  2. The perfect quote for collectivism!  Everyone just follows everyone else, no one really started it.  The quote means that there is no leader, just a bunch of followers.  

  3. no person feels responsible for the mistake of others or themselves, thats what i got from it

  4. This quote is all about how no one thing is to blame in any situation, especially one that is destructive. It takes more then one snowflake to create an avalanche.

    Your best bet is to take an example from your own life where many things caused something to happen and then parallel it using the quote.  

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