
Response on a poem I wrote?

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I posted this the other day:

And I just want to thank you all for your compassion.

What hurts the very most is knowing what my son had to witness.




  1. I wasn't here to write my response.....

    So many of us have darkness in our past, and I find it inspiring that the human spirit can rise above the most appalling things.

    I have written a few revealing things about my background....but, it upsets, cannot do so often.  He sounds as if he was damaged goods....but, he didn't drag you down!  Your love of life shines through your poetry (and look what a wonderful son you've got)

  2. Thank you for posting this, otherwise I wouldn't have got to read the poem (it must have been posted while I was not on.) Sometimes we have to look back on our bad experiences and release them somehow to begin to truly heal.I feared for my own mom's life many times as a child, watching her with my stepfather. I haven't gotten to the point yet where I can write about those experiences, but you've given me hope that terrible things like this can make us stronger and we can overcome them.

  3. Well put! hope that wasn't real, for I hate such abuse, in any given image.

  4. I thought the poem was sad, but well written and you had the  courage to post something so personal! You had the courage to leave and the courage to post! You need to tell your son how you feel, if you haven't done so already! Children are always ready to forgive when they know they are loved!


  5. We love you, Reenie.

  6. When you posted this the other day for someones homework I had no Idea it was a true story. No child or mother should ever have to endure this kind of abuse. I feel honored that you let this out. I used to work in Pediatrics, and I saw my share

    of abuse. I stood  between a foster mother and her foster daughter who had been raped by her real son. The girl was only 3 yrs old and the boy was 15. She somehow got up the back staires and tried to take the child before the cops got to the Hospital. I held her back till the cops came. She was arrested. If it wasn`t for me seeing her,she would have gotten away.  If ever I see any kind of abuse, I will always step in.

  7. you did right Reenie.

    your friends are looking forward with you.


  8. Renee, I didn't see your poem the other day, but it gives me the chills to think anyone had to go through that, especially a child.

    I'm so glad you are finding a healing way to get it out.

    God bless you and give you and yours strength. <><

  9. Scarred knees

    Tracing the steps

    Bring us to

    Who we are

    And how wonderful the end result can be!

    You are all the proof I need.

    Thanks so much, M.O.M.

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