
Response to Irish Republican Army?

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What was the British response to attacks by the IRA and what were the international responses to these attacks?




  1. No where near as serious as they should have been.

    We had troops using plastic/rubber bullets. They were using fully live ammunition.

    We should have done several bombing runs with our planes, and used real bullets in retaliation.

    Perhaps even sending a naval fleet to bombard them with artillery.

    The way I see it, - You kill our innocents - we destroy your country

  2. Perhaps the most contraversial and provocative responses by the British Government was their policy of Internment.  Whereby, the crown forces arrested and detained without trial people suspected of being members of paramilitary organizations.  Between 1971 - 1975 1,981 people were detained; 1,874 were Catholic/republican.  This policy backfired on the authorities, civil rights movements called strikes, the SDLP left Northern Ireland Government.  Moreover, many have said the policy generated a vast amount of support for the IRA as it was almost exclusivly Cathloics being arressted.

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