

by Guest64517  |  earlier

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It seems that in American culture it's almost neccessary to order 3 times more than what you can actually eat when you go to a restaraunt. For Americans: Why do a lot of American's do this?

For non-Americans: Does your country do this too, and if so can you explain why this is done?

I thought that we could save a lot of animals lives by just not eating out, lol.




  1. i am one of those people. I don't go out very often, and when i do get to, i want to try everything. The problem is portion size. I leave with a huge bag of leftovers. But it always gets eaten later. BTW, i am 4'8" and 83 lbs., 30 yrs old and carried 3 children. Not what would be considered fat by any country's standard.

  2. Portion sizes at restaurants any more are HUGE. I might split an appetizer with whoever I'm with and then order what sounds good from the menu for dinner. But I can never finish it at the restaurant and always end up taking home about half my dinner. It makes a good lunch the next day. Most times I don't think people are ordering that much food on purpose. It is just what the restaurant serves as the portion for that meal. But I saw on a commercial the other day that 66% of Americans are obese and I believe it. Maybe those are the people that don't take home any leftovers :)

  3. I order a plate, and maybe an appetizer to split amongst whoever I'm with. I take half of it home because it makes a great lunch for work the next day. so for me, I order a large plate because I take half home!

  4. well we are very fat
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