
Restarting canon camera! oh please help quick?

by Guest66763  |  earlier

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ok so i left my camera at my friends house a few weeks ago. i picked it up today. she said there was something wrong with it. i dont know what happened. the lens is half in/out and when i turn it on it is a black screen and says "lens error, restart camera" ughh i am going on vacation in 10 days and i neeed this camera! how do i restart it!?? it is canon digital ELPH SD600(c) please quick help




  1. Read the manual. If you don't have the manual, go to Canon's website and download it.

  2. Lens errors are fairly common. Usually it's sand or grit interfering with the lens extension mechanism. Or the camera's been dropped with the lens extended. Or the camera has been powered on, but the lens had been blocked preventing its extension.  Or the battery ran down with the lens extended ...

    Here's some things that you can do to try to correct it. They only seem to work for less than 50% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty, they're worth a try:

  3. The lens is jammed. You have no choice but to take it in for repair.

  4. The search results I find aren't encouraging...SOMETHING is stopping the lens from moving. Can you [gently] move it by hand?

    New batteries?

    If you send it in for repair, you will need a replacement camera for your vacation; sorry.

    Canon's support link is attached.

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