
Restaurant Application

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Simple question, why is it that most places have a rule that they can only hand out applications between 2:00-4:00pm [or some other variation]?




  1. That is the slower time of the day when the lunch business has slacked off and before the night business begins. Most managers use this time to interview people who are applying for jobs and to hand out applications.

  2. Because that is the time where the lunch crowd is over and right before the dinner crowd comes.  

  3. Because for a lot of places it is their down time before dinner rush, and that is when managers have their most time to talk, and not manage. I also think though this question needs to go on the social and culture forum, because it truly is not food or drink related.  

  4. They want you to come during their off hours...not when they are busy

  5. Erin is quite correct.  Between 2 and 4pm tend to be the slowest times for restaurants (or the time they close up, between lunch and dinner to do prep work, take breaks, etc..mostly with non-corporate/chain restaurants).  They want to be able to show you some sort of attention, in the form of questions etc..and this is something they can't afford to set aside time for during a busy lunch or dinner rush.  Really, its done to benefit both the restaurant management, and the applicant.
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