
Restaurant Owners Have The Right To Refuse Service To Anyone They Want?

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I just wanted to make sure, do restaurant owners have the right to refuse service to anyone they see fit; as long as it's not because of one's race, religion, or personal beliefs?




  1. Yes they do. It is often displayed on their menus ( I work at a restaurant and its on ours)

  2. Absolutely yes!!!!!!!!!!! All businesses other than government agencies have the right to refuse service to anyone. However, it may not be a case of discrimination.

  3. Any business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.  Generally this right is reserved for customers who are causing a scene, being loud, obnoxious or misbehaving in a way that disrupts and hinders their routine.

  4. Yes they do, in any retail establishment, you will find posted

    "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"

    When I was a restaurant manager, ocasionally I had to ask people to leave that were offending other patrons. Never had any repercussions.

  5. Yes, but it depends on the reason... to a point, for instance;

    no shoes, no shirt no service.

  6. Typically a restaurant will not allow someone back who was previously kicked out for whatever reason.

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