
Restaurant-preferably fancy one???

by  |  earlier

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Ok well. Here is the deal. It is one of my good friends 18th Birthday coming up soon, and I had the idea of taking her out to dinner. Except I would like to hire a nice car (Ferrari, Mazda, Lambo, Porsche etc), to take her in, make it a special night. The problem is, I myself am only 18, on my P's. And I cannot find a sports care hire company that allows hiring to an 18yr old, for one night. This is on the Gold Coast, QLD as well...I also had the thought of hiring a limo to pick us up and drop us home again as well. If any of you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated!!!

Also, one more haha! Anyone know any nice, "posh" restaurants on the Coast? A place where a suit and tie, and a "formal" dress (so to speak) (etc) is the standard, if you know what I mean?

Thankyou all soooo much!!! :D




  1. well i think the limo idea would be great, thats really sweet, try scanning the yellow pages, or the internet for nice places to go to. If you cant find anything, making your house really nice and formal looking like a fancy resturaunt is a clever idea as well, i think it would be sweet. Considering the fact that your on the coast tho, i think Mc Donalds would suit you best, lol jk...


  2. do your self a favour just take your friend to a nice and not so expensive fast food restaurante she will be very happy because you remembered of this great day

  3. This question is so cute..... Im going to put it to my 23year old who has been there done that.

    There are limo companies on the Gold Coast, as well as formal suit hire companies.... try looking in the phone book or the white pages. As your date is also 18, there are some real posh eateries at Jupiters Casino. They dont care if you are on your 'P's" at Jupiters!!

    Usually a lot of these hire companies are only too glad to help and will recommend places to go

  4. .....3M  TAE

  5. It sounds like you are a wonderful friend and I'm sure your friend will enjoy her night whatever you decide to do.  I think the Limo idea is fantastic.  She will feel very special being picked up in a limo.  There are some nice restaurants on the coast but not a lot of really posh ones, probably due to our more relaxed way of life and that extends to getting on the suit for a dinner out but I have a few suggestions and I hope they help.  

    Not sure where on the coast you are but some of the bigger hotels in surfers have very nice restaurants like Gold Coast International has Lygon St and Marriot has a nice restaurant too....Jupiters has Charters Towers.  At Burleigh there is Oskars which is very nice and up on Tamborine there is Songbirds which is very very nice.  Unfortunately all of these are a little bit hurtful to the hip pocket.  I hope that whatever you do you have a fantastic night!!

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