
Restaurant question?

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I currently work for Chili's, and I am a college senior about to be done with a degree in history. I have decided I want to be in the restaurant industry, but I kinda wanted to make my own restaurant. My family is urging me to stay at Chili's, but they change their direction and focus too much. I need a play that keeps it simpler. Any ideas if I should work for Chili's, another Brinker concept, a food chain, or my own place?




  1. If your interest is the restaurant industry and your goal is to own your own restaurant you should take up culinary classes, also business management classes for hotel/restaurant.  Work all aspects of Chili's to give you the real life experience.  Meet with a local owner of a successful restaurant and ask about keys to running a successful business and the pitfalls to look out for.  Remember there is a high failure rate for small business owners, and most don't turn a profit for the first couple of years, so you'll need not only knowledge, but investors.  Good Luck.

  2. agree with all of these answers, have been in the food industry for 7 years, and u really need to know what u r doing in all aspects of the job,

    u need to understand what all customers want,

    u need to be really hands on,

    after 7 years i am still learning, and the way the culture is changing and peoples life styles u will always will be learning,

    just make sure this is what u really want to do, working for chillies is a from what it will be like if u have your own place, hope all goes well.

  3. okay, i ansewer these questions all the time! Working at Chili's was your decision, not your familys, if you want to open your own buissness, go ahead...and one day, when you are a famous restaurant industry, you parents wil look back and feel sorry that they tried to put you down!

  4. the lady has point

  5. as you already know the restaurant industry is a tough industry and starting your own would take a lot of money.

    I would highly recommend culinary school and stay with chili's or another large chain until you reach general manager.  don't stay with chili's if you aren't happy there because you will lose your edge and there are plenty of other places where you can get good experience while making good money.

  6. If you do plan on opening your own restaurant, you might wait until our economy has stabilized a bit. Restaurants are hugely affected by a falling economy, as people have less disposable income to spend. Basically- it's cheaper to eat at home.

  7. If you wanted to work in the food business why did you get your degree in History? What exactly is your position at Chili's now? If its lower end management and you want to stay in management I would stay with the same food chain until I got more experience then try for a GM position. If you are wanting to start your own restaurant you need more experience than management though and should probably go to culinary school. A culinary degree is more than just cooking, its also management etc
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