
Restaurant tips?

by  |  earlier

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Scenario: you go out to eat with a coworker. you spend $30 a piece. Your company pays for your lunch

1. Assuming you receive great service. how much would you leave for a tip?

2. Considering, the only thing you have to pay is tip, do you leave more than you would if you were paying?




  1. 5 bucks if the service was good and less if it wasn't. I would not over tip if my meal was free.

  2. leave a good tip and they'll remember you. leave a moderate tip and they'll forget you. leave a bad tip... just don't leave a bad tip.

    my husband and I usually leave around 20%. if we eat really cheap... we still try to make sure it's 3-5 dollars. I saw someone leave a 75cent tip the other day... ouch.

  3. Well, you should have tipped at least $12, I would have rounded it up to $15. I was a server and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who got free food but didn't feel that they needed to tip on the amount the food costs. Don't mess with the people who prepare/serve your food! Some people are nasty!!

  4. If the service is good I usually tip 20 percent of what is on the bill, in this case if it is all being paid for why not splurge a little for the server.

  5. I normally leave a 20-25% tip depending how well the service is. Also I take into consideration the duration of the time I was there. If the bill was only a total of $100 for say 4 people out to dinner, but it was with old friends and we sat and talked and stay for a total of 2 hours.. then I would leave a much bigger tip. The reason for that, is since I took up so much of the waiter/waitress's time, they could have been serving another party if we gave up the table.

    I also follow that rule especially at a bar, drinks are cheap but the amount of time you spend on the bar stool can really cut into a bartender's tips, which is how they make thier money!
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