
Restaurants around National Cathedral?

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A group of us from Lancaster will be touring the National Cathedral this week and were looking for a place to have dinner in the area. Any suggestions? Nothing real pricey, but no fast food or diners. We don't mind paying for good food, but we don't want to spend our mortgage payments either!




  1. Well, it's not right at the National Cathedral but over a few blocks on Connecticut Avenue by the Woodley Park/National Zoo Metro station there's a whole row of delicious restaurants. Another place would be by the Friendship Heights Metro Station which is right up Wisconsin Avenue from the Cathedral. If you have specific questions, contact me! If you're brave and like crowds, you can head south on Wisconsin into Georgetown, many great eats there. Try Bistro Francais, Mie-N-Yu. Go to any Clyde's or Chadwicks anywhere in the city. Hope I helped!

  2. You might consider Cafe Deluxe. There's a website. It has moderate prices and good food. Also, it's a place where people meet and greet.

  3. Ik has some good recommendations.  The Cathedral is on Wisconsin and just north of there are some good places.  Cafe Deluxe is good, great atmosphere and reasonably priced by DC standards.  One block up and west of Wisconsin are a couple of other places, 2 Amy's Pizza is one of the best in the area.  There is also a good Mexican place, plus a sushi bar that I don't know about.

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