
Restaurants that number tables?

by  |  earlier

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How do they do it so the waiters know where table #1 is and table #2 is etc. So they don't get mixed up?

This fasinates me because I have never been to a restaurant before that numbers tables and have only seen it on TV shows.

Please share your knowledge on this subject.




  1. All tables are numbered. Even if you don't see a number on the side of the table doesn't mean that it isn't numbered. On the servers first day of training they are told what table is for what. Then once they are trained, and have their own section. Every server is assigned a certain section where someone might have tables 20, 21 and 22... someone else might have table 100, 101 and 102.

    If they took so many orders at once, good chance they might forget which table had which, so they are numbered so it helps greatly! Also, if they can't bring out the food, so someone else knows what food goes to what table (ie: Food runner, a fellow server helping out)

    Also, if they need a manager. "Hey Manager, the customer over at table 12 are really upset, and they asked to speak to you."

  2. All restaurants number tables, they just don't put numbers physically on the tables. There is no other way for the wait staff to remember who ordered what and whose table is whose otherwise. A waiter/waitress who can't remember the numbering system won't be working there for long.

  3. Tables numbers are preset.

    Usually when you start working, you're given a copy of a floor plan with a listing of table numbers and positions (depending on the style of dining.) These are predetermined way before the doors have even first opened.

    Trust me, every restaurant you've been to has it's tables numbered. If they don't, I'm sure they won't be open long. You're just not made aware of it. Really, there's no reason to tell a guest what table number they're on.

  4. Tables are usually numbered in groups of tens (although there does not necessarily have to be ten in the group) from a row design aspect.  Picture the restaurant from above, like the seating chart at the hostess station.  The table along the right side wall starting from the front right front corner is table 10.  The next one along the wall is 11....and so on.  The numbering usually begins again on the second row as 20.  Large tables that are not in a row are usually stand alone numbers like 99, or they use 1-10 using the same kind of location pattern.

  5. The restaurant I work at has sections for each server. Then each section has numbered tables. The servers memorize the numbers because they aren't actually on the tables. If there are only 6 tables in your section it isn't difficult to know which is which. Mostly the servers know what table ordered what food so there is no mix up. When they send the order to the kitchen (computer print out) they also put the number of people at the table so they know they have x amount of dinners at a certain table.

  6. I am curious why you think you haven't been to any restaurants that number their tables?  The vast majority of all restaurants, large and small have a system for numbering

    the tables.  It is one of the basic "tools" in developing an organized and efficiently managed "front of the house" or dining room.  The dining room is mapped out in diagram

    form including all the tables, booths, etc. There isn't a science

    as how the numbering system flows i.e. Table #1, #2 mostly it is a matter of assigning each table a number and make it a standard operating procedure. This "SOP" ensures that all staff are in sync with the dining room floor plan and ultimately ensures the best possible food quality and service as each wait person can deliver their co-workers food while it is hot-n-fresh as everyone knows the "table numbers."

  7. Hey there. I waitress for extra cash so I know this answer. Tables must be assigned numbers so that when the food is sent out you know which table to take it to. The numbers are in your head. You memorize them! At first you may have to count in your head but before long you can look at any table and automatically know it's assigned number!

  8. I think it is for dumb servers and runners who cannot remember where the tables are!

  9. Believe it or not, there is usually a little number on the edge of the table which you usually don't notice.   Of course, the better the restaurant, the more unlikely you will see the table number.  They also have a seating chart at several places and the employees learn real fast what the corresponding numbers are for each table.

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