
Resting after run?

by  |  earlier

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When I was running in the Marines, we would walk around in a circle and sometimes would rest our hands on our hips. However, we would get yelled at for doing this and told to drop our arms and keep them to our sides. We would even want to place our arms up behind our head. I have been told difference reasons why you shouldn't do this, mainly blood flow reasons. So is it true that it matters how you rest your arms after running? Should I keep them to my sides when it feels much better to place them on my hips or behind my head?




  1. Hmm, it shouldn't matter because most of the rebuilding of muscles starts occurring 2 hours after the muscle fiber is worked. meaning that it will have a negligible effect.

  2. I have never heard of such a thing. Do what ever you want jst don't sit down right away.

  3. Not true, it isn't bad to rest them on your hips or even behind/on your head.

  4. placing your hands behind your head or above your head is a good way to catch your breath because it opens up your lungs more.
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