
Restore my faith in humanity: I'm taking a survey:?

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Do you:

1. Help stranded motorist or pass them by?

2. Stop to pick up the animal or keep going?

3. Call your unemployed friends with tips or forget them?

4. Volunteer in spare time or look for entertainment?

5. Spend time appreciating what you have or asking for more?

6. Call relatives or ignore?

7. Smile at strangers or ignore?

8. Check on old person next door or forget them?

9. Hold door for next person?

10 Smell roses, appreciate the rain, embrace loved ones?

11. Appreciate silence or stay busy busy busy?

12. Use email / text for kindness or in anger?

13. Reach out to end hostility with old enemy or.....?

14. Drive sensibly & with care or always in a hurry, with hand on your horn?

I would like to see these things today, & I will do my part even if others don't.




  1. I try to do some things that are within my reach.

  2. That's not a question, its an application form for sainthood.

    I do some of them but not all.

  3. OK, here goes # 1= i try but with heavy traffic it's hard to stop most of the time, but one time about 20 years ago, i was driving north with my then second wife= were on the highway and the woman in my right lane who got a flat tire as were both doing 60 mph, i stayed with her to get her off the road absoulte perfect timing= and changed her tire in less than 10 minuets= she offered money and i refused and we were back on the road in 11 minuets two ships passing in the night== when i got back in the car my wife said thats one of the reasons i love you= i have helped many other times, but like i said there were a lot of times i couldn't stop= so i figure thats what your here for and they got help=#2 always helping animals= except maybe a T REX or ANICONDA, I figure they can get out of trouble with out my help==#3= I give tips to everybody, even people employed with a business==yes final answer=#4=always trying to volunteer and bring enterainment into the picture somehow#5 no chance to do either= just to get by is all=#6 call all the time= just don't visit enough=#7 i live in San Francisco, and i find it hard to smile at strangers== except service people, friends, co- workers= bosses everywhere= and ladies who wait with me at a street light crossing= i sometimes say the light is running slow because of me, and get a laughish smile= maybe next time when the light changes i'll say "text me"=# 8= im considered 2nd floor security= i help with garbage and a little chit chat, a few are seniors and disabled and could use a pet, a cat maybe= we had 3 cats but it only smelled like two, i guess it's rent control==#9 yes= #10 " the days of wine and roses" and with every rain comes a rainbow= and i do a lot of heart felt hugging=# 11=silence is golden as long as your busy at it=# 12= i think i only try kindness and humor and a few pep talks that i would like to hear# 13= not quite enemys but im always reaching out== # 14 and a great quesion== never drive angry== when in a hurry you only save a few second but build up stress== watch out for the other driver, and above all, never be the first one in the intersection after the light changes for you to go = give it a second or two= always have control of the intersection so you can stop on question=

  4. I do about half of these things on a regular basis. Appreciate things - call relatives - smile at strangers - hold door for next person - smell roses - embrace loved ones - appreciate silence - us email for kindness - reach out to end hostility and drive sensibly and with care.

  5. 1. Help stranded motorist or pass them by?

    If I can't stop to help I'll call the non-emergency # for the police for them to help

    2. Stop to pick up the animal or keep going?

    Always stop to pick up the animal they are my fave things in life

    3. Call your unemployed friends with tips or forget them?

    I always help my friends get ahead even the employed ones get tips in case they want to change jobs

    4. Volunteer in spare time or look for entertainment?

    Kinda both but I do a lot of volunteer work

    5. Spend time appreciating what you have or asking for more?

    I appreciate what I have but I am driven to get more

    6. Call relatives or ignore?


    7. Smile at strangers or ignore?

    I try to smile and greet if I make eye contact but I live in one of the rudest areas of the USA so that can sometimes get you flicked off or cursed out

    8. Check on old person next door or forget them?

    Def. check especially in snow storms

    9. Hold door for next person?

    Ya but I get pissed if they don't say thank you

    10 Smell roses, appreciate the rain, embrace loved ones?

    YES YES YES!! It makes life fun!

    11. Appreciate silence or stay busy busy busy?

    My job keeps me busy busy busy so I appreciate what little silence I can get during the day

    12. Use email / text for kindness or in anger?

    A bit of both

    13. Reach out to end hostility with old enemy or.....?

    I don't really reach out to enemies....

    14. Drive sensibly & with care or always in a hurry, with hand on your horn?

    LOL a little of both

  6. 1. Never happened to me

    2. Never happened to me

    3. Neither, I don't think it's my business and they could be offended if I interfere

    4. Look for entertainment

    5. Both

    6. Depends on the relative

    7. Depends on the person and the situation, but I'm not generally hostile to strangers

    8. Check on them

    9. Yes

    10. Yes

    11. Both, if I need to do something I'll be busy doing it

    12. Neither, just general conversation

    13. I don't have any enemies

    14. Drive sensibly

  7. 1 - n/a

    2 - never happened, probably depends on the animal

    3 - n/a

    4 - both, prefer entertainment

    5 - both, tbh i spend more time wanting i think *guilt*

    6 - ignore, but talk if they call me

    7 - smile

    8 - n/a..

    9 - yes i hold the door

    10 - yep i do that

    11 - silence is good

    12 - kindness, tho anger has happened

    13 - hmm. hasn't happened yet, but i don't really have "enemies"

    14 - n/a

    most people do some, i guess, but i doubt many do all nicely.

    faith restored? i'm hoping i restored soem faith in teens....

  8. 1. I don't drive, so I can't help a stranded motorist, but if someone needs help, I give it to them.

    2. Definitely stop to pick them up. I would call a vet if it was appropriate too.

    3. Neither, I don't "tip" them, and I don't forget them. I am still their friend, and I help them out if possible.

    4. I have volunteered at a school, and I currently volunteer for a website by transcribing documents. I have my own life too though.

    5. I appreciate what I have, but hate that bills conquor all my money at the moment!

    6. Call them

    7. Call them, but I give them a half smile, because I lack confidence.

    8. Forget them, I admit it. But if I knew him/her, I would check on them.

    9. Hold door, always

    10. All of those!

    11. I tend to be busy during the day, so appreciate the silence when I finally put my feet up.

    12. Kindness only. You should think twice before sending an email in anger, because it will have a bad effect.

    13. I tend to bear a grudge against people for many years, but eventually forget it. If they're close to me, it's worth trying to get over it though. I would work till the ends of the earth to patch things up with my family if there was ever an argument.

    14. I don't drive, so I'm looking after the planet :)

  9. 1. Help them.

    2. Pick up the Animal (what insane person wouldn't?)

    3. Call them.

    4. Both.

    5. appreciating.

    6. call them

    7. both

    8. check on them

    9. yes

    10. Yes!!!

    11. I like both.

    12. again, both

    13. definitely

    14. sensibly.

    You are a sensible young woman with a good heart, keep going :)

  10. 1. Don't drive.

    2. I'd pick up the animal.

    3. Neither.

    4. There's nothing to volunteer for around here.

    5. I appreciate what I have.

    6. I'm too shy to call them.

    7. I'd smile.

    8. I'm too shy to call my relative, what do you think I'd do here.

    9. Yup, Especially to my elders.

    10. Of course.

    11. I love the silence.

    12. Kindness.

    13. I'm civil to people I hate, thus there's no hostility in the first   place.

    14. Don't drive, but I'd do it sensibly if I ever could.

  11. 1. Help stranded motorist or pass them by?  If they are trying to wave someone down during the day, and I am able to stop without putting myself or anyone else in danger, I would stop and have done so in the past.  Otherwise, due to safety reasons, I pass them by.  My safety as well as other driver's safety is the most important thing.

    2. Stop to pick up the animal or keep going?  Is the animal dead?  I'm serious.  Depends where.  I see dogs running along the expressway all the time and it breaks my heart but no, I can't stop.  I'm more likely to get myself killed and I could even get arrested and I know that sounds horrible, but it's just too dangerous where I live.  I am an animal lover, I have two cats, so it's not anything against animals. . you gotta have common sense like is it really worth putting my life at risk?

    3. Call your unemployed friends with tips or forget them?  My friends call me and I'm the unemployed one and I would return the favor.  My brother is employed but looking for a job and I send him job opportunities

    4. Volunteer in spare time or look for entertainment?  All my time is "spare" but no, actually I spend all my time looking for jobs.  After I get a job, I will be looking into volunteer work.  

    5. Spend time appreciating what you have or asking for more? I do appreciate what I have.  I have been given a lot, material-wise and opportunity-wise.  God gave me the best Mother I could ever have and I was able to spend 26 years with her before she passed.  I have to be thankful for that.  I could go on because I am an appreciate person.  But there are things that I ask for . . . like I really NEED a job.  

    6. Call relatives or ignore? I talk to my Dad almost every day. . .Talk to my brother at least once a day. . other relatives at least once a month or more. . .We all know what is going on with everyone else because we are a close knit family.  All my dad's sisters (4) call my grandma and my dad calls my grandma, so I find out what is going on with them, plus I talk via e-mail with two of my dad's sisters.  On my Mother's side, my dad calls my grandma and keeps in touch with my mother's brother.  I am pretty close with a cousin on that side as well and we exchange e-mail.  Wow, that's a long response.

    7. Smile at strangers or ignore?  I smile if they look nice.  That sounds bad but it's true.  If someone looks nasty (and I don't mean unattractive, I mean they look mean), I don't smile.  I don't frown or anything. . I just have the "usual" look on my face.

    8. Check on old person next door or forget them?  I don't live by old people. . I live by people who can't seem to keep the noise down when they have s*x. . and no, I don't check on them.

    9. Hold door for next person?  Yes I do.

    10 Smell roses, appreciate the rain, embrace loved ones?  Yes, because a person can be taken away in a second and then it's too late.  I miss my Mother every day and the pain I feel every single day of my life is proof enough that you need to cherish life and the ones you love to the fullest extent

    11. Appreciate silence or stay busy busy busy? I think you need a balance

    12. Use email / text for kindness or in anger?You can use it for both.  I think if someone sends you a gift, a great way to thank them might be to e-mail them a thank you card.  I believe though the most effective way to express both of these emotions are in person

    13. Reach out to end hostility with old enemy or.....? End hostility but never forget what they did to cause it.  There wouldn't be any hostility unless someone else caused it in my life so. . .that's why I say what I say.

    14. Drive sensibly & with care or always in a hurry, with hand on your horn?  Sensibly.  I always used to drive with road rage and it's so ridiculous.  You're just asking to rear-end the person in front of you and it's just not worth it.  You'll never see the person again, and you just have to realize the other driver is just an idiot .  .plain and simple.

  12. 1) Not after being nearly murdered, no.

    2) Foaming dogs, no.

    3) tips

    4) volunteer

    5) appreciating

    6) call

    7) smile- it drives them nuts

    8) ignore them after their last hate filled rant

    9) hold

    10) smell, enjoy rain, embrace

    11) silence

    12) fifth amendment

    13) reach

    14) sensibly

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