Do you:
1. Help stranded motorist or pass them by?
2. Stop to pick up the animal or keep going?
3. Call your unemployed friends with tips or forget them?
4. Volunteer in spare time or look for entertainment?
5. Spend time appreciating what you have or asking for more?
6. Call relatives or ignore?
7. Smile at strangers or ignore?
8. Check on old person next door or forget them?
9. Hold door for next person?
10 Smell roses, appreciate the rain, embrace loved ones?
11. Appreciate silence or stay busy busy busy?
12. Use email / text for kindness or in anger?
13. Reach out to end hostility with old enemy or.....?
14. Drive sensibly & with care or always in a hurry, with hand on your horn?
I would like to see these things today, & I will do my part even if others don't.